Your Target Market in Passive Income Opportunities



NEWSFLASH: Having passive income opportunities, you have 2 target markets.


1)  Current Network Marketers


2)  People Actively Looking To Get Involved In Network Marketing


And they don’t care about your business or how great your product is or how great a track

record your company has.


They already have a business…and 97 net-workers out of 100 that you speak to are losing more money

than they’re making!


So what is it that your prospects are REALLY looking for?


People want to understand how to MARKET their business so they can actually make some money,



People want to find a real LEADER who can actually show them exactly how to overcome their challenges and get results.


Those are the 2 reasons people are going to join you with your passive income opportunities…

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2 responses to “Your Target Market in Passive Income Opportunities”

    Your Target Market in Passive Income Opportunities | A Success Dream…

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    Your Target Market in Passive Income Opportunities | A Success Dream…

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