How Professional Work From Home Mom Keep Getting Better




mother_sonThe reason why professional work from home mom keep getting better is because they replay a call or process and go over each step do determine what worked and what you can do better.

The best way to do a replay is to go over it in your mind.  It doesn’t have to take long, just ask what you could have done better.  Use these great questions to shine a light on problems or other opportunities that can give you a direction to fix for next time.

Go through each step of the process that made your prospect make a commitment.

1. Did you analyze the problem fully?

Do you relate to their problem and could really understand where they are coming from.  Relate to an experience you have had and share a quick story that they can relate.  They will see you more as a real person that has been through this problem as well, especially being a working at home mom.

2. Did the problem have ideal solutions that could be met?

Once you explained the solutions, did the customer truly understand how the solution is met?  I think this is where the biggest challenge lies.  Getting your prospect to really understand the solution in a way that can take them to the next step.

3. Did you get the prospect to see the future event to get them to the next step of commitment?

This is the real test from number two.  Getting the prospect to understand the value of what you are offering as a solution will take them to the next level of commitment for a mom to work at home.

Also don’t forget to always get better at shaping your features and benefits to make it more powerful.  Always knowing the features and benefits by the back of your hand will get your prospect to really understand that the solution is best for their problem.  Using this process will make the process so much more powerful.

There is not a better way to brand your business, than to just be yourself and truly relate to the problems the prospects are having.  People have to learn, like and trust you in order to get to the next level.  What a better way to do this by branding yourself in a picture, video, audio, and other personalized themes to see more valuable information you have to offer.  Use this strategy when you are branding your own professional work from home mom become powerful.  Submit your name and email below to learn more tips and tricks of how to brand your business as a work from home mom entrepreneur.


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4 responses to “How Professional Work From Home Mom Keep Getting Better”
  1. Perig Vennetier Avatar
    Perig Vennetier

    Thanks for this post Alecia. I believe that this applies to work from home dads too 😉

  2. Terri Bork | Avatar
    Terri Bork |

    Alecia great post. You need to track what is working and what is not so you know what to focus on to improve. Too many times I hear my team say that they do not know what was working. You can’t just shoot from the hip, you need to aim and shoot.

  3. Shannon Lee Avatar
    Shannon Lee

    Good steps to go over!

  4. Charlene Quashie Avatar
    Charlene Quashie

    Learn. Do. Teach.