Most of us fall in the “I need it NOW” mindset with their entrepreneur opportunity. Is this just a behavior, or mindset? What exactly should our thinking process be for success?
Is motivation our obstacle?
Let’s be realistic: With an entrepreneur opportunity, you are seeking a massive change. We can’t expect to generate an instant change, but those big changes start with small steps.
So how do we make the switch?
Use Direction:
1. Script critical moves: Find a way to translate your big-picture goals into specific behaviors. What is that first baby step that will get you to that big-picture goal?
2. Point to the destination: Your vision. What do you imagine your life would be with this big-picture goal accomplished?
Have Motivation:
1. Shrink the change. Make the first step attainable. When you can relate to that first step and be able to accomplish it, the rest seem a lot easier. Taking that first step is the hardest.
2. Appeal to identity. Make this step part of your brand. How do you want to perceive to others? Who do you want to attract? Act forward thinking and be an authority figure to those who seek your guidance and knowledge.
Alter the Path:
1. Build a habit. With your big-picture goal, adopt new habits toward this change. Make simple checklist of things to accomplish the new changes. Support those involved of the new changes.
2. Rally the herd. Be consistent in accomplishing the small steps going toward the big-picture goal. Those that are continuously striving will follow and encourage others to do the same. Behavior is contagious.
Make a switch to make your big-picture goal a reality for your entrepreneur opportunity. Complete your information below for free videos on the exact steps to adopt this change:
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