This follows our previous post of 4 Things to Understand in the algorithm of Facebook. Reading this post first may help you follow how you can best optimize your Facebook pages.
Knowing first of what you want to do on your page will help you find reasons why people want to come back.
So what kind of content should you share?
1. 90% sharing status should be value based. Especially those that you interact, use the community and get involved with others.
2. Do you agree or disagree?
Allow others to share their opinions and it will help you more with interaction on what you learn from others too.
3. Breaking News – Have fun with this one. Be a resource people want to come to.
4. Fill in the blank. It takes me _______ long to write a blog post?
5. Trivia. Don’t ask too many questions or people will get annoyed and ignore you.
6. Did you see… Include article findings or new and other insightful resources people can learn.
7. Photo’s and motivational posts to get more likes, shares, and comments.
8. Poll – Example, What time do you usually check your emails on any given day? Morning, lunchtime, night time, all the time.
9. Milestones are one of the highlights for special events, launching something new or a contest.
10. Post on average 3 times a day. When you do this, ask yourself, would you be interested or annoyed with what you have to say. Know what the community would like to see.
Keep all your updates special, like they feel like they are written just for them. Take your Facebook marketing to new levels by learning more with marketing training. Click the image below to learn more.
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