What Is The Most Successful Small Business in the World?



Have you heard of McDonalds?

In the year 2000, there where 320,000 franchised businesses in 75 industries.  Franchises produce 1 trillion in sales, 50% of every retail dollar.  In fact the business format franchise has revolutionized American business.  So much so, that one new franchise opens its’ doors every 8 minutes of every single business day.  These studies that come from the US Commerce Dept. from ’71 to ’87 is that less than 5% of franchises terminate on an annual basis, or 15% in 5 years.

So, how do you make a successful business with out closing your doors?  Ray Kroc understood that the hamburger wasn’t the product, McDonald’s was.  The true product of a business is the business itself.  Most business format franchises is built on the belief that the true product of a business is not what it sells, but how it sells it.  Having this mindset, create a business that would work once it was sold, no matter who bought the business.  It must be a system – dependent business, not a people – dependent business.  The most duplicate business that is step by step, click by click, with set up and marketing plan.  Tools that follows this system, is available to those that desire to follow these successful small business tips.  Just add your name and email below to get started:

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One response to “What Is The Most Successful Small Business in the World?”
  1. Thomas Lierzer Avatar

    great post, ray got it figured out. duplication is the secret of a strong team or business
