The Truth In Your Residual Income Opportunity




“Where all think alike no one thinks very much.” -Walter Lippmann

To find the real truth in your residual income opportunity, people find out what other people think is the truth.  Facts and opinions help shape the truth.  It’s best to know the conditions in order to recognize when we are most vulnerable to its influence. In examining conditions, we see the reactions of other people to resolve our uncertainty.  When you do that you are likely to overlook a subtle, but important facts.  Probably examining the social evidence also.  The tendency to see what everyone else is doing can lead to a “pluralistic ignorance.”  It has grown into a society of uncaring people when people are uncertain they are more likely to use others actions to decide how they should act.

The principle of social proof works most powerfully when observing the behavior of people like us.  It’s the actions of people that give us the ideas of how we should act.  Therefore we are more inclined to follow the lead of those that are similar than dissimilar.

If we become sensitive to these situations where we use this social proof, then we can control what’s working to the inaccurate information.  There are two types of situations where incorrect information from social proof gives us poor decisions in finding the true awareness of truth.

1. Occurs when social evidence is false rather situations create impressions or the way they want to perform.

2. The Pluralistic ignorance – where everyone at an emergency sees no cause for alarm.

Using social proof to fully base your decision on entrepreneur opportunities should not be trusted fully.  Observe facts, prior experiences and use our own judgments. Agree? Share your comments below, and subscribe at the top to see more!

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9 responses to “The Truth In Your Residual Income Opportunity”
  1. Secret Residual Income – Constant Residual Income Tips

    […] Go here to see the original: The Truth In Your Residual Income Opportunity | A Success Dream […]

  2. Perig Vennetier Avatar
    Perig Vennetier

    This is quite true. However people will base their decisions on emotions. I am convinced that people would rather join a so-so opportunity with someone they like than a great opportunity with someone they don’t like very much.

    Of course, smart people will see that the great opportunity is the one they should get involved with and then they will look for someone they like in this great opportunity.

  3. Monica McCullough Avatar
    Monica McCullough

    I agree that we follow people who are similar to us – but sometimes we initate that “following” based on emotions – we need to balance the similarity factor with the desire that is initiate through emotion

  4. David Ashton-Booth Avatar
    David Ashton-Booth

    Thought Provoking – Liked

  5. Carolann Papesca-Pellerin Avatar
    Carolann Papesca-Pellerin

    Thank u for sharing

  6. Shawne Perryman Avatar
    Shawne Perryman

    Wow my friend great post and such truth in today’s post. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Jill Klunk Avatar
    Jill Klunk

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Rebecca Arthur Avatar
    Rebecca Arthur

    So very true. A very great post, AleciaStringer!

  9. AleciaStringer Avatar

    Thanks Rebecca Arthur