As an online business entrepreneur, we would like to personally invite all of you to join us on one of the private teleconference calls that takes place on Friday or Saturday mornings at 11 AM EST. I want you to jot this down. There is also a pass code for attending this call. You have been invited to listen live to Kip Herriage and Karl Bessey, the co-founders of WMI. They are oing to take questions live and talk about the direction of the company. You are also going to hear from other members and consultants who have success not only with the product line, but who have also done really well as an online business entrepreneur. Many of them have been able to leave their traditional jobs. You do not want to miss this call!
Join the WMI Conference Call Hosted by Co-Founders and Company Leaders
Friday or Saturday 11:00 am EST
Pass Code: 689151#
See you there!
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