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Power of Intention

Attending the Fight the Forces of Evil Event in San Diego, CA on Sept. 21-23 allowed me to see how people are empowering others to believe far beyond what they were able to believe.

Give yourself an opportunity. Take in the thrill of it, break it in. Don’t get limitations to stop you. You have a decision to tap into the power of intention.

Empower Network Live Events

Amazing transformations. Only those that strive for success make it to each event. When you force yourself to make a decision and decide to go to every event, your income will reflect on it. It’s proven from the test of time from even the old company events.

Day 2 Utilizing What’s Already There

I had been marketing for almost 2 years at that point, and had mastered the process of getting people to make a decision to join whatever it is that I want.

Over the last two years, as I remembered back, I had gone from generating leads and closing over the phone, to a point where I would answer 4 pre-booked appointments per day, and would close 95% of everyone I talked to… LITERALLY everyone would make a decision to get in.

Being the most ADD of the speakers, I decided to put off selecting my speaking slot until the last possible moment, and I was scheduled to speak…