When meeting new people, or talking with your warm market about your residual business opportunity, use these success questions to help them understand more of your focus. Many people are skeptical of the network marketing industry and if you make it clear of where they are coming from, you can better assist them in answering their problems.
1. Why do you want to know?
2. What do you do?
3. What does that entail?
4. How long have you done it?
5. What did you do before?
6. How are you being affected by what’s happening with the economy?
7. How do you like what you’re doing?
8. Have you ever thought about doing anything else?
9. Are you familiar with the network marketing industry?
10. What experience did you have?
11. Why do you think you weren’t successful?
12. Would you be open to look at another company that didn’t have those obstacles?
Be sure to get them to explain what problems they are having. People don’t like to be sold to. Guide them in the right direction, not pitch them what you have. This can be a challenge for people to learn exactly what attraction marketing strategies do to their business. The best training for attraction marketing is to study the basic classic course from Mike Dillard. He lays it out in a simple way and gives examples that you can apply to your marketing strategies. Even how you approach people. A valuable resource to have applying in your library.
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