Do you notice that you are not getting any traffic on your websites? Or worse off, no comments or feedback?
People have taken the internet to the next level to have a party with everything they are sharing. We are in an age of information overload, and more people today have become overloaded. A very big danger in this industry.
Take a look at the community today, Feb. 23, 2011. Here on the left is a screen shot of the popular posts in Better Networker, a social site community. Most of these posts where just created that day, or not too long ago. People in this tribe are just simply connecting and sharing each other’s content. Not only gives them more exposure, but more connection with each other.
The way the tribe works, is that you develop share points. Once you have 10 share points, you can share content in the tribe pro. Simply put in your title, description, category, link and an appealing share message to build curiosity to the content they just posted.
I’ve tried other formats to sharing friends content and giving feedback, and this tribe is the easiest I’ve seen. They even keep up with who you shared with and to connect to other people in the community.
I encourage you to take the challenge and share what you have to offer at our next meeting at A Success Dream Tribe.
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