Setting Your Residual Income Opportunity on MySpace



fbp_banner_box.gifYou should be establishing a MySpace page for your home based business.  As we should all know by now, it is crucial to establish and position yourself as a leader.  Your MySpace content should certainly set you apart from the pack, but don’t forget to add personal touches such as a photo slide show with shots of you having fun on a vacation with friends or family.

Your MySpace “formula for success” should consist of the following:

1. Personal Pictures;

2. Provide some personal background so that people can connect with you or relate to you while also keeping them interested in learning more about you.  And yes, you should include the “obvious” things: where you are from, what jobs you’ve had in past, what are some of your hobbies, are you a sports fan, etc.;

3. Personal problem — paint a picture whereby you describe your frustrations or challenges and how you went about looking for a SOLUTION.  In order for this to work, you must tell a PERSONAL story that you yourself experienced that was a major frustration for you;

4. Share your SOLUTION by telling your story on how you got introduced to the solution and your experiences with it. “All of that changed when I discovered (INSERT SOLUTION HERE).”;

5. Make sure you include a call to action, e.g. invite them to call or e-mail you and share their own frustrations or problems, or have them subscribe to your blog or newsletter.  You can send them to your “My Story” Page where you really sell yourself and you go into more detail about your internet business or businesses.  Remember, it’s important to build what we call “You INC”…not your MLM entrepreneur opportunity business replicated site;

6. Describe exactly who you’d like to meet and work with; who would you like as your perfect business partner?  This is a powerful step and helps pre-qualify prospects and further establishes your stance as a leader.

Don’t forget that your page content should open with a powerful LEADERSHIP statement…something along the lines of “Hi, my name is John/Jane Doe, I am the owner and creator of”… If you don’t have Your Own non-replicated website [what is stopping you?!], then you could say something like you are “a contributor to the Better Networker forum” or mention you Blog site.

Another great home based business tips: make sure you use HTML in your profile as that will also set you apart from many other marketers and also make it easier for visitors to go directly to your site. Use NVU from KompoZer, a free-to-download HTML editor — just enter and edit in their WYSIWYG tab, and then copy/paste the source tab in the Source Tab (just the code between the to sections).  NVU is a great program and highly recommended to help you ensure your URL-domain name is always hyperlinked [UPDATE: this site may be down presently for construction, but e-mail me if you’re having trouble:]

Lastly, you’ll want to start adding friends and you can then let your MySpace page run on autopilot!  Try to be disciplined and add AT LEAST 25 new friends per day — there is a handy search function so you can search for like-minded people or other internet business entrepreneur.  However, if you find adding friends a bit tiresome and time-consuming, I highly recommend FriendBlasterPro and you can add dozens to your list of friends on MySpace in a matter of minutes (instead of hours!). Just remember to keep the number of new friend requests between 50-100 with FriendBlasterPro and use its time delay function between requests (e.g. set between 9 to 20 seconds), otherwise MySpace may flag your activity and they will DELETE your profile for spamming!

If you follow these steps, soon you will have a large MySpace following and getting inquiries about your residual income opportunity.  Ultimately, you want people calling you FIRST instead of you chasing them down!

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