Realistic Goal Making For the Online Business Entrepreneur




Making realistic goals is a MUST DO in any business as an online business entrepreneur.  First need to evaluate where you are as an online business entrepreneur.

Are you just getting started?

Have you been established and taking your internet business to the next level?

Most home based business entrepreneurs need to get up front cash flow to get their business started before being able to generate the residual income possibilities.

Whichever your level of goals, make sure it is realistic to be achievable in different levels: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.

Once you set your goals according to your level, write it down!

This is the most important step you can make because it sets it down in stone and allows you to make an action plan.  It allows you to commit yourself to the goals you write down.

It’s important as an online business entrepreneur to set goals that involve all aspects of your life: spiritually, physically, relationships and financial.  Lastly before you commit your goals, be sure to communicate your goals to those that are involved.

Here is a neat guide I found from Ray Silverstein that helps you have an outline for setting your goals that will keep it simple so that it is not too overwhelming.

smart-move-full-color-rgb-for-web-and-monitors-useUse the SMART SYSTEM:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T – Timely

Specific, achievable and realistic–Make sure your goals are concrete, concise and attainable. Instead of, “I want to make a lot more money this year,” specify “I want to increase my revenues by X percent (a realistic amount) by the end of the year.”

Measurable–Frame your goals in such a way so you can measure your progress. For example, plan on measuring monthly or quarterly revenues against last year’s figures–something you should be doing anyway.  If you are just beginning, set a realistic amount to start.

Timely–Give yourself a reasonable time frame for achieving your goal. Then break it down into smaller, short-term increments. Realistically, you may not achieve that X percent increase early in the year, but you can work toward it. Divide your goal percent increase into monthly or quarterly increments that allows you to build on your momentum. This produces measurable, attainable and short-term goals to pursue.

Remember what Ray says:

Also, beware of “BHAGs”–big, hairy, audacious goals. Super-ambitious goals are great when it comes to long-range planning and decision making, but they don’t lend themselves to goal setting. Focus on attainable goals that you can realistically reach within the year.

It’s easy to make resolutions, but it’s hard to make them come true. No wonder some entrepreneurs make the same resolutions every year, without ever achieving them. Don’t let yourself fall into that group. This year, resolve to set SMART goals and action plans.

Tell others to hold you accountable and take action!  Get started as an online business entrepreneur today.


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17 responses to “Realistic Goal Making For the Online Business Entrepreneur”
  1. Realistic Goal Making For the Online Business Entrepreneur | A …

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  2. Christopher Dittemore Avatar
    Christopher Dittemore

    Awesome Post Alecia

    I was just talking to my friend today
    about SMART goals. So it’s pretty cool
    that your blog was about it today!

  3. Wendy Xavier Avatar
    Wendy Xavier

    Great blog. Do you know of any relevant forums or discussion groups?

  4. Luigi Fulk Avatar

    Your writing is clear, expressive, and very pertinent to your subject.

  5. Clint Butler Avatar

    I love systems and methods that simplify my understanding of concepts and your application of the S.M.A.R.T. system was cool. Going to have to find the book you referenced and look into it a little more

  6. Great Post Alecia.Thanks for the smart move.

  7. Cat Alexandra Avatar
    Cat Alexandra

    Hi Alecia, my 1st time visiting your blog! I love the productivity tips and especially the SMART acronym – clever! Great share, sending some Google BUZZ love!!

  8. Neil Bednar Avatar
    Neil Bednar

    Great Post Alicia, I love the S.M.A.R.T. — Concept of goal setting, this is very well put, Thanks for the tips.

  9. Hi Alecia:

    This is a great post on goal setting and clearly pointing out that is not just about setting goals but setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

    I always encourage people to have the following written down, crystal clear and specific:

    1. Why: Your reason why is your driving force. Why are you in the business, why did you join and what will keep you going on days when you just don’t feel like it.
    2. What: What is your specific goal that you must achieve?
    3. Where: Where is this going to happen online? offline? or both?
    4. How: How are you going to execute your plan of action?
    5. Whom: Who are your team members going to be and who is going to mentor you? Paint a picture of how your team will be like.
    6. When: When do you plan to hit this goal- set a deadline?

    Thanks Alecia for sharing.

  10. Rebecca Chmielewski Avatar
    Rebecca Chmielewski

    This is right where I am at. I am working on goal setting this weekend, getting ready for the upcoming week. Thanks, Alecia, for the SMART analogy!

    1. Alecia Avatar

      Great Rebecca, I’m glad I could help!

  11. Ruth Avatar

    Great stuff Alecia. I resonate with your tips on goal setting.

  12. Chante Epps Avatar
    Chante Epps

    Love your S.M.A.R.T system. A valuable way for anyone to stay focused on reaching their goals.

  13. Cat Alexandra Avatar
    Cat Alexandra

    Dear Alecia,

    Thanks for yet another very helpful mindset check type of article! I love the SMART acronym and plan to use it! 🙂

    Have a fab weekend!
    Cat Alexandra

  14. Michele Keenan Avatar
    Michele Keenan

    Love working on my goals

  15. Denise Thiefault Cully Avatar
    Denise Thiefault Cully

    It is great to use a system

  16. Amanda Ashton-Booth Avatar
    Amanda Ashton-Booth

    Goal setting is a must 😉