Prospecting with the Attitude: Do It Anyway!



Connecting in an elite community, you get to mentor with successful leaders like Ray Higdon.  He leads a wake up call to give some wisdom and inspiration to aspiring network marketers like himself.

On Feb. 15, 2011, he shares simple prospecting tips that we all can relate.  Take aways that I like to share is that when you find people online, you connect with them.

When you find prospects offline, you bond with them.  People need to understand what it takes to truly be successful with network marketing.  Move past your fears and be trained to rush toward it.  It becomes a disease to those seeking success.

When you say, “I don’t feel like it,” you are keeping yourself from success.  It’s not an excuse.  Did you let the little things get in the way?

Remember to do it like you are trying to inspire or connect to that one person that is trying to build their million dollar business.  In order to succeed, you must create good habits with consistency to build successful habits.  Act like you are going to do it anyways.

Take the simple routine like, first thing when you wake up, go workout, eat breakfast, read for 15 minutes, compose one piece of content online.  When you take a routine for success, your are building good habits.  It’s the little things that make you have success.  Learn what you have to do in order to generate your output.  Build on that routine of prospecting to build your empire.

Remember in network marketing, you must prospect in order to build your business.  Make a minimum goal to talk to 5 people per day.  Remember, do it anyway.  Keep saying you are going to build an empire and success will happen.  Connect with a leader like Alecia Stringer, who holds these same expectations, attitudes and success goals to empower you to build an empire as well.

Join Alecia’s Team HERE.

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4 responses to “Prospecting with the Attitude: Do It Anyway!”
  1. BeninB Avatar

    Hi Alecia,

    Wow! I love your blog. This is such awesome content and information.

    What a great post too-prospecting is so important not just in network marketing but in any sales driven business. Otherwise, have a good eve and we'll be in touch. Thanks!

  2. Kristie Mathews Avatar
    Kristie Mathews

    Great post AleciaStringer

  3. Christine Fanning Avatar
    Christine Fanning

    Attitude is everything!!!!

  4. Lisa D. Walton Avatar
    Lisa D. Walton

    Yes love this