Power of Intention




Powerful Intentions is where business begins. You can not have a why or reason you are in business without intentions. This began my journey back when I went to my first event. It will transform you and who you are.

Watch these videos to see how much I have changed, along the journey. They may be more obvious to you, but seem so slight living through it.

See what one of my team members, John, created in his intention: (Make Your Own Vision Board.)
Attending the Fight the Forces of Evil Event in San Diego, CA on Sept. 21-23 allowed me to see how people are empowering others to believe far beyond what they were able to believe. Give yourself an opportunity. Take in the thrill of it, break it in. Don't get limitations to stop you. You have a decision to tap into the power of intention. How big is the possiblity? HUGE! People are stopping and taking notice. It's because of what you can do, what your teams can do. There are no limitations. It all started from the owners, David Wood and David Sharpe. All about believing. Dissolve your excuses, and know your intentions. When you break through, you'll see more in to the power of intention. Realize that just wondering in Wal-Mart doesn't work, although people can do that if they want. Just not my kind of thing.. Stop blaming everything and keep taking action. Think about the stories you can do when you are marketing. The story is the point. David Wood always remembered the story of when Mark Hoverson was talking about underwear. Why was it successful? Because he tells stories. Had a webinar and made $11k. In 2009, it's the stories in life that you can use as an example in your life. It's the decision that you make to change your life. Then magic happens. It's the stories of victory. Tap into your power of intention! Change your thinking. It's magical when it's EASY! It's EASY to just click the banner below and see what the power of intention all about: power of intention

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5 responses to “Power of Intention”
  1. Joseph Skoda Avatar
    Joseph Skoda

    You Said it Alecia. We all need to Fight the Forces of Evil. Dave and Dave are helping us do that….. Keep up those intentions!

  2. Carolann Papesca-Pellerin Avatar
    Carolann Papesca-Pellerin

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Komika Sims Avatar
    Komika Sims

    This is awesome. Thanks

  4. Alicia Billman Kraemer Avatar
    Alicia Billman Kraemer

    That Jim Carrey talk was powerful!

  5. Rebecca Arthur Avatar
    Rebecca Arthur

    P O W E R F L !! Thank you! 🙂