Online Marketing to Women Ages 35-55



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An Inside Look at Marketing to Women Ages 35-55

Why Online Marketing Targets Women Ages 35 to 55

This age group is targeted for many reasons. They are very social, interactive and spends time online discussing everything and exploring everything.

Yet, this is the largest group of consumers online. Which makes a very competitive market, and harder to market to the compulsive spenders.

So let’s examine this group to see how they are based on education, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc. Targeting specifically in these different areas is highly recommended because you increase chances that they will buy a product geared specifically toward their preference.

So who are the Women Ages 35 – 55?

Single Mothers


Crazy how approximately 10.4 million women are single mothers. Her first concern is providing for her children. She has to prove she can do it alone with an innate sense of independence and power. Know the highest values are her kids, her time, making/saving money, and finding a partner.


Stay at Home Mothers


This consist of approximately 25% of married women (5.1 million women according to the U.S. Census Bureau.) The numbers has declined since 2001 which of course during the recession, many had to go back and get a job.

When you are marketing to this group, you market to the family. She is interested in supporting the family and associating with other stay at home moms.

Hearing stories of other stay at home moms that have managed their families and taking care of herself is inspiring to others. Their highest value is meeting the needs of her family. Making and saving money and helping others and her own needs is secondary.

Working Mothers


This is a large percentage of this demographic. Many take consideration on how others are managing their children, relationships, and work time. They are ambitious and determined, yet educated and don’t waste time researching products for hours. She has less mommy networking time, and would love to spend more time with her kids.

She values her family, moving up in the business world, and time.

More and more are having to work, yet know their highest value is her time and family. Secondary is making money and her own needs.

Married Women Without Children

120525_DX_UnmarriedCouple.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-largeThis is only approximately 4 million women. Many in this group will not be having children, yet are educated with backgrounds of degrees. They like to be well-established.

She values freedom, independence, and power. Her highest value is making and saving money and her husband. Secondary values is having fun and her needs.





Single Women, Not Married, and Without Children


This represents a smaller portion of this population. Women within this category is more likely to be interested in finding a partner/husband and especially those in the younger age range. They are still likely interested in having children.

The highest value is finding a partner. Then secondary is her nees and making and saving money.

Learning the needs from this age demographic allows us to really see their needs.

Mainly time and all of them wish they had more of it. They value a sense of power and independence, especially being empowered.

Which is why Empower Network has attracted a lot of women in this age range. Time being a big issue, the mobile blogging app has attracted more and more that are both technically challenged, and time is a issue learning all the details.

What is more fun, is that they can promote all the fun things they find on the blog!

The importance of knowing how to get traffic and increase conversions will always be an importance because making money and saving money is first when building their confidence that this product works.

Naturally sharing with friends is the highest conversions she can do, then it’s learning new strategies to take it to new and inspiring audiences.

See how you can use this traffic source and generate $7,000 extra spending money on advertising when you plug into this resource HERE.


– See where the inspiration came from at:

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4 responses to “Online Marketing to Women Ages 35-55”
  1. […] is why Empower Network has attracted a lot of women in this age range. Time being a big issue, the mobile blogging […]

  2. […] What are the goals of women today? See my insights HERE. […]

  3. AliciaKraemer Avatar

    Great insights, thanks!

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