Another ways to connect with and motivate anyone, anytime, anywhere is identifying the 4 main personality types. Three top marketers that clearly define these types are Jerry Clark with colors, Jeffrey Combs with animals, and Ryan Angelo with the Alpha Networker.
I’ll briefly describe each using Jeffrey comb’s animal types. One personality type is the monkey which is the life of the party. The monkey are natural sales people. People that are magnets to motivated people that love to have fun. They enjoy wearing bright colors and become the center of attention. One of their downfalls is that they are scattered and unorganized, but holds a great deal of creativity into the market.
The owl is the analytical thinker. One that likes math, science and are the doctors of the society. These people need facts, information and need to take time processing new things that come across them.
The koala is the amiable relater. The one who is caring, nurturing, and cares what people think. They are not born leaders, but learned leaders. When the situation is right, they can rise to the occasion.
The lion is the king of the jungle. These are the born leaders. The lion is in control and says let’s get it done because I needed it done yesterday. This type of people is easy to motivate. In fact, you want all types of people on your team when you build a network marketing team. Each have a unique set of strengths and come to different solutions.
Once you begin to connect with new people each day, you begin to learn how you relate to each personality type. Take time to see how you can direct each personality type into your business. Understand on how they work, so you can direct them to their needs. A vital component when connecting to people.
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