Why All Network Marketers Need A Personalized Blog



Discover the secrets of the top network marketers and how they have a personalized blog.  Not only personalized but customized for you.
Some seem to make it so complicated.  Just keep it simple as possible and see how it can help others.
A personalized and customized blog allows you to begin a hub for all of your content and offers.  Here are the 3 main reasons you need to have a personalized blog online.

1. Connect 

Social media is so important today and people can find all your networks in one place.  Not only are you connecting to your prospects in different social media places like facebook, twitter and youtube, but it also begins to develop a relationship.  This relationship can bring your customers and prospects back to your site again and again.

2. Brand

All businesses have a brand name and image as they develop their business in front of others.  It is important to give your prospects the next step or call to action in your blog as well.  There is so much valuable information you can show on your blog that develops your brand.

3. Show Value, Leadership

People come back again when they feel important and needed.  Showing value and leadership in your expertise will want them to come back and see what is new that they can learn from you.  Watch a video on how to attract quality clients to give you some ideas on leadership.
You can get a blog started for free at wordpress.com or blogger.com which are the more popular ones.  The problem of those sites for long term is that they are free.  They can take away or delete your blog at anytime without warning.
Some people use their social media sites as a marketing hub, like youtube, but they are missing out at all the other links that you can provide on a blog as well.  To solve this problem and do put your business in a long term strategy, it is best to host your own blog.
Learn how the top leaders of network markers build their personalized blog, and the top components that need to be customized on your blog in order to connect with your prospects, brand you as a leader and showing value so they will come back and see how they can take their business to the next level.

See a demonstration of the platform HERE.

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4 responses to “Why All Network Marketers Need A Personalized Blog”
  1. Carolann Papesca-Pellerin Avatar
    Carolann Papesca-Pellerin

    Thanks for the info

  2. Sandraji Lynn Avatar
    Sandraji Lynn

    The blog is your home

  3. Pamela Scott Avatar
    Pamela Scott

    Yes so agree U0001f604

  4. Shawne Perryman Avatar
    Shawne Perryman

    Your blog is your prime real estate