As we look into the MPB Today review, there are a few factors to consider. Is this a legitimate company to promote?
When you do your research and consider a business to be involved in with network marketing, you need to learn what it takes to be successful. Some of those factors are to learn what the product is that you are promoting and what is the compensation plan to reach the goals you would like to accomplish in your business. There are other factors, it seems like these are the main two. So we will take a look at the company, what is being promoted, and the compensation plan so you can fully understand what goals you need to set to be successful.
In MPB Today, it is a direct sales, grocery home service located in Pensacola, Florida. Their goal is helping Southeastern Delivery attain and to grow to 1 Billion to over 185 Billion in the next ten years. It is a one year old company started by Gary Calhoun and their products are deliverable only non-perishable dry-goods to the US.
The compensation plan is a 2 by 2 follow me matrix which involves cycling every time filled with six affiliates that pay a one time $200 fee for a grocery voucher. With more referrals, more income. The payment is in $300 gas, $200 free groceries, or a $200 Wal-Mart gift card. So:
1. Make 1 payment of grocery purchase $210
2. Refer 2 people
3. Help those 2 people get 2 people
4. Get paid
There are no monthly fees, no monthly auto ship, and it’s product that everyone needs. This is what can be attractive to those in the network marketing industry as well. Is this a company you want to do for long term? Are there multiple levels you can join to reach to upper six figures? I don’t really want 6 figures worth of groceries. That’s not really going to pay my bills. So make sure you understand the goals that are planned to be met with this compensation plan.
Those that really know how to market and has a list of prospects can accomplish the goals of finding 2 friends who would like the same goals of getting the free groceries or gift card pretty fast and do not need to do a massive campaign. To be successful in any network marketing company that you would like to promote, you have to brand yourself as a leader and show others value as well. Learn how to attract people to your MPB Today review business so you can accomplish all your goals as a top leader today.
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