When looking for a MLM mentor, one must learn how to choose one and qualities you need and one must have for success.
It is good to seek help and ask a lot of questions at first to find the right mlm mentor. This is how one learns as well and be able to relate.
When you are choosing how to find a mlm mentor, study the successful markerts in the mlm industry like Mike Dillard, Daegan Smith, Johnathan Budd. All these guys have made millions of dollars. So they would know what there talking about.
Learn what they did exactly on how they found success. Seek the exact strategies on how they made it to the next level of their business. This is opposite of being a creative writer or anything you need to do in order to create it yourself. Just don’t reinvent the wheel. It’s already been created, just do exactly what they did and how they did it.
In order to study their business structure, you must learn and understand how it is put together. Online it’s pretty easy to figure out. Simply find their content or websites and see how they are put together and organized. What key factors stand out for you?
Join their newletter list and see how they communicate to their subscribers. Study their business funnel, so you can create it as well. Duplicate the process, not copy their words. I see leaders all the time frustrated that people are duplicating word for word their ideas. So create your own story, just duplicate the process.
True successful mlm mentors are able to lead a group to the next level of their business, no matter what level it begins. They know the process and routine so well, that they know exactly what it takes to take their business to the level it needs to be.
Take a look at the qualities that each leader you study holds. How do the hold up to their posture when presenting to other leaders?
Do they speak well?
Do they see what people need to work on personally?
Do they see what they can do more of or change in order to do things in a more effiecient way?
See how they react to certain events or challenges.
A true mentor will be able to analyze the situation and find a way to get to the level that needs to hold.
Answering these questions will allow you to find ways to relate to mlm mentors. Anyone can become a mlm mentor. Instantly by simply leveraging the information from all their mlm mentors. Learning from the successful mentors will allow you to leverage your time in becoming a mlm mentor.
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