Who says the old school offline marketing methods don’t work?
Combine those efforts with the new internet model of marketing methods and you have a powerful business that you let future generations learn how to profit as well.
Here is a list of old school approaches to building business leaders and can be applied to any business:
1. Warm business marketing – Family!
2. Direct class – Business to Business
3. Reverse Prospecting
4. Referral
5. Cards – flash bills/ business cards
6. Yard signs
7. Professional organizations or groups – meet up
8. Public speaker approach
9. Radio Talk Show Approach
10. Conventions and Trade Show Approach
11. Infomercial Marketing (comcastspotlight.com)
12. Fish Bowl Prospecting- sponsor a free dinner at local restaurant
13. Affinity Group Marketing
14. Direct mail
15. Audio/video pass out- Powerful overlooked tool that can direct them to go right to your website.
Combine this effort in driving those prospects to your website. Generating more leads showing and following them up with the services you provide will not only save you and them time, but will also automate your efforts.
Learn how you too can profit from these efforts by using these marketing methods while building your online business on autopilot. Learn exactly how these top earners build their business using content lead generation on autopilot.
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