Life As An Internet Business Entrepreneur Unfair?




Aren’t all favors and obligations to commitments allowed flexibility?  Are they met with another favor, or met with neglect?

Well, life as an internet business entrepreneur can become unfair when promoting equal exchanges.  A general rule in this unequal exchange happens when a person acts in a certain way toward us is entitled to a similar return action.  Then the consequence of this rule is an obligation to make a concession to us.  Since this rule uses a compromise technique, it can be simply called rejection – then – retreat.

The victims of this strategy might resent being cornered this way.

1. They might decide not to live up of the verbal agreement made by the requester.

2. They might decide to distrust the manipulative requester, never to deal with them again.

These reactions do not occur with increased frequency when this strategy is used.  Most times it actually occurs less frequently.

So… how do you say “no” when up against one who uses this rule on you?

One way to avoid confrontation is to refuse and reject to follow their initial favor.  Another solution would be to accept the desirable first offer, but only for what they intend to be, not for what they are represented to be.  Once you determine that they offer was not a favor, but a compliance tactic, we need only react to it accordingly.  Stick with the rule favors met with favors, not tricks met with favors.

Don’t be tricked into the unfair advantages as an internet business entrepreneur and use these strategies to your advantage.  There is no convincing when one wants to begin their journey as an internet business entrepreneur.  Know your trusted resource and take action today.

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2 responses to “Life As An Internet Business Entrepreneur Unfair?”
  1. Perig Vennetier Avatar
    Perig Vennetier

    Hi Alecia,

    Interesting post. Trust must is for me the root of all relationship, personal or professional. Without trust there can’t be success.

  2. Terri Bork | Avatar
    Terri Bork |

    Alecia, great post. So many times people feel that they have fallen victim in life. So many people get carried away with the fake it til you make it syndrome and they hype everything to an extreme and its coercion into an opportunity. It becomes about the inviter not the invitee and there is where the distrust enters the picture. thank you for your intriguing article.