In order to understand how you can generate residual income online, you have to understand how you are going to do that. Here are 6 lead generation tips so you can understand how to build a massive internet business.
1. You need ways to advertise and get visitors to your website. This can be a variety of free or paid ways. Using social media like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. Also articles, blogs, press releases and much more content marketing. Then there are paid ways like pay per click and putting ads on the search engines like google, bing, yahoo, and msn.
2. Next you need a lead generation system to build your list. Building a list of people that are interested in what you have to offer is important to keeping your internet business alive. This can be as simple as having an auto responder that sends a list of emails over time so they can continuously learn more about your internet business.
3. Build relationships to show them that they trust you and have rapport with them. This is key to understand that you will deliver what they request and need. Simply do this by inviting them to free webinar events, or new blog posts with new information you may have.
4. Up front cash flow is important to fund your business. This can be retail sales and/or affiliate programs. Set up a funded proposal that all your customers or prospects will need when they get started.
5. Have leadership – This is another way you can show prospects and customers that they trust you. Show some free tips and be personable to attract them to come back and either purchase from you again or continue to make a bigger purchase that you offer.
6. Offer a back end residual income opportunity like an mlm residual income opportunity or top tier direct sales residual income opportunity.
Comment on any questions you may have these lead generation tips on generating a profitable internet business funnel, and I’ll be glad to help.
I made a lead generation video series to help you understand the process more.
Get started today by getting in touch with Alecia Stringer to get a personal touch to your internet business.
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