Why you need the internet to market an mlm business in today’s world.
Do you really need the internet to market an mlm business or can you go with out it in this day in age? Most people simply don’t have a clue on how to market any business online or offline. This is why mlm businesses are so appealing to the masses.
Mlm companies will provide the marketing materials, websites, brochures, order forms and pretty much everything you need to get started. But most mlm companies don’t provide a strategy on how to market online.
Most mlm companies are still using offline methods such as home parties, three way calls, weekly calls, presentations, and sit downs. There is nothing wrong with these methods. In fact they still work and will allow you to make a decent income if you can make it duplicate.
Why you need the internet to market an mlm business.
But you must keep something in mind. Your time. Isn’t this your most precious asset? Many mlm companies will lure us in with pictures of people on vacation, or spending time with their families, etc. The mlm companies say,” you can have this too because of the leveraged income.”
Sometimes they are right but a lot of times people struggle with this because they can’t seem to get their mlm business off the ground. And folks get burned out quickly because of the amount of time required with offline tactics. Not to mention training new recruits.
Training new team members can be time consuming unless you have something set up at your company already. Your company should already have training in place.
Beginners will spend their time doing these offline activities and won’t have the time freedom they were seeking. If you are good at three way calls then your team members will all want to put you on the phone with their prospects. The bigger your team, and you are good at three way calls, the more in demand you will become. This can eat up your free time.
The reality is also that network marketing has a lot of turn around. The team members you work with in year 1 will be different then year 2. You need new blood all the time. So if you use offline methods to generate leads you need a way of automatically processing and qualifying leads. You really do need the internet to market an mlm business. Otherwise you will be spending time with the wrong people.
So what’s the answer? How can you build a business and have free time also? How can you generate massive amounts of leads and be able to sort and train those leads and new distributors without consuming your time?
It’s simple. The internet. You can use the internet to market an mlm business and it’s easier then offline methods. With the internet you can have your leads go to a capture page like this one. The capture page grabs their email address then gives them a presentation. Once the lead is captured you can follow up with an autoresponder.
An autoresponder simply has a schedule of emails that will be sent day after day to your potential clients/business partners so you don’t have to follow up yourself. In your emails you should include a call of action such as where to sign up or call you to join.
Using the internet to market an mlm business
With the internet you can deal with qualified leads and not spend your time with meetings, etc. You no longer have to find prospects either. The internet is full of people who actually want to hear about your business and will seek you out instead of you finding them.
How about training? Your company should already have training in place for new recruits. If you not, then you can create videos on youtube and automate the training process by telling your new distributors to go there.
If this sounds intimidating, don’t worry. This is simple. Or if you really don’t want to do this, you can hire people to present this information or look for youtube videos of people already doing it.
Another way to generate leads and train new folks is to blog. You can use your blog to generate leads by giving away something such as a video, newsletter subscription, or ebook that will help them with their goals. This is why you need the internet to market an mlm business.
If you are using the internet to market an mlm business you can entice your prospects with a free ebook on free recipes with your company’s product, etc. Now you’ve got their email address and you can follow up automatically as mentioned before.
Blogging with a wordpress theme is one of the hottest trends online right now. Why? WordPress blogs are easy to build pages with. No special code required. The wordpress blog I use is with the empowernetwork. It’s only $25 a month and it is already set up with lead capture and a free video. Be sure to sign up for the affiliate program as well so you can make an extra income stream when showing this to your team members.
Thank you for reading. Be sure to share this post on why you need the internet to market an mlm business. You can also check out my website at empowernetwork.com.
Author Bio:
Mat Gunnufson is a dedicated father, husband and internet marketer. He has over 14 years experience with both online and offline marketing training. To see his blog go to www.empowernetwork.com/yazdesign/
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