Influence! Do You Have It In Your Online Business?



---- INFLUENCE ---- Your influence like your shadow extends to where you may never be
—- INFLUENCE —- Your influence like your shadow extends to where you may never be

To be successful in your online business, you have to have influence in your warm market as well.  These are the people you are connecting with at a more valuable level.

Is It Easy?

You connect to people at a deeper level that you can solve a solution.  More sincere than just flattery…

It could be easy for some, yet challenging for others.  Take General Obregon’s philosophy: “Don’t be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.

Simply connect with three to five people every day into your warm market and you will have an average of fifteen per week.  Offer them something of value that you have to offer that would help them.  I heard a suggestion this week is to suggest a book that you have read that you think that they would enjoy and get something from it.  Then others just need a simple smile added to their business.

A Chinese proverb suggests: A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.  Your smile is a messenger of your good will.

I like publisher Elbert Hubbard’s suggestion is to: Remember perusing it won’t do you any good unless you apply it.  Applying your value and showing others will allow yourself to influence others into your warm market daily.

Remember to listen first!  You can not be an influence, if you do not know how to listen to what their problem is.  Be the Doctor and listen to what they may need.  Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, a longtime President of Columbia University, said it well when he said, “People who talk only of themselves think only of themselves.  And those people who think only of themselves are hopelessly uneducated.  They are not educated no matter how instructed they may be. ”

Aspire to be the leader of influence in your online business today learning from the top qualified leader today.

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7 responses to “Influence! Do You Have It In Your Online Business?”
  1. A. Stacey Avatar
    A. Stacey

    Free URL submit

    Alecia once again you delivered. I enjoyed every bit of it. When you show a deep sense of caring towards people most naturally you will gain their trust.

  2. Luc Buseyne Avatar
    Luc Buseyne

    🙂 Love the Chinese proverb 😉 U0001f3a9

  3. Kristie Mathews Avatar
    Kristie Mathews

    Being influential comes from being a problem solver. Thanks Alecia.

  4. Sandraji Lynn Avatar
    Sandraji Lynn


  5. Alicia Billman Kraemer Avatar
    Alicia Billman Kraemer

    Listening and solving the problems of those we are trying to help really is what it is all about. Thank you.

  6. Sara Pellerin Avatar
    Sara Pellerin

    interesting thanks for the share

  7. Toni Strand Avatar
    Toni Strand

    Always working on being a positive influence. Great content, Alecia.