It was officially released on March 1, 2009 by Peter Wolfing; a trusted and well established Internet Marketer. A vision that was to be able to offer just about anyone the opportunity to go into business for themselves at an unheard of opt-in rate of only $25 … What?!
Remember Infinity Downline is a legitimate home business opportunity, and like all legitimate businesses you must put forth some effort to become successful.
Now this program is like any other network marketing company, so you are going to get a replicated website. Have you seen it? Watch the 2 minute movie of Infinity Downline and see for yourself.
This is a perfect program that many successful online business entrepreneurs put in their business funnel to help cover more of their marketing expenses. A program where most people can afford at the $25 price point and you get products of true value. The product line consist of hundreds of premium audios and videos with expert ways to put your web site on auto pilot. Also you will learn online and offline marketing and computer skills through this education. You will gain access to an ever growing library of audios and videos totaling in the hundreds of hours. All members can access the products by just clicking and watching or listening.
The compensation plan is simple as well. It is very unique and has built in downline builder to create leverage for each member. This compensation plan is referred to as a reverse 2 Up System. You keep your 1st, 3rd, and 5th sale to infinity made through your website. The 2nd and 4th referrals of every member roll up to their sponsor and this is where the leverage is created. There is a very detailed video on the compensation plan on the Infinity Downline Review website for a visual presentation as well.
Now the problem with replicated websites is that people just shove their link out and scare others with all they hype… Have you done this? One of the WRONG ways to do marketing. Now in the back office, they have paid marketing strategies like postcards and phone broadcasting. I personally do not recommend those strategies, but they are available if you would like to use them. I think this is a way they can get by with no fees.
Now remember in your marketing strategy that you need to provide value, connect, and build a relationship if you ever want a chance of people joining your business. Now, if you do not know how to get leads… know how to find your targeted lead generation, then fill out your information below to see a video on exactly how you can generate residual income without joining a business.
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