How To SEO Optimize a Blog Post
Use these simple tips to SEO Optimize a blog post for maximum exposure. We all want people to find our content and take action from what they see. So have it out there in a way to be found.
Use this format to SEO Optimize a blog post
Use a keyword that you would like a target in the following ways:
1. Keyword in the title
2. Keyword in Title tags:
H1, H2, H3
3. Bold
4. Italized, underline
5. First sentence and last sentence
6. Link
7. image, add in the alternate tag
It may take a while to get used to this formula, but it does help get your content raked higher in the search engines. Be sure to always show value and information that your readers can use and apply.
Action On How To SEO Optimize a Blog Post
Take away or call to action at the end of each post is necessary. Remember you have to lead them to where you want to take them next. Don’t ever assume that they know to click on a link, or subscribe to your newsletter.
Also tell them what they will get or what the next step will be after they take action. This allows them to walk through the process.
So, when you subscribe to this blog, you will get your free lead generation boot camp. This will share ways that you can begin to set up your business online as well as building your networks and ways to get the word out. Now go take action by taking the boot camp and really get started to SEO optimize your blog post.
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