How To Gain More Prospects For Your Residual Income Opportunity



Learn and use the techniques that I’m about to show you, and you’ll avoid being criticized and condemned in your business and life.  And if you learn and use the techniques I’m about to show you, you’ll get a new organization inspired with a new loyalty, new enthusiasm and a new spirit of teamwork.

“Education,” said Dr. John G Hibben, former president of Princeton University, “is the ability to meet life’s situations.”

In order to get the most out of increasing your ability to deal with people, you must have a driving desire to learn, and a vigorous determination.  Have a constant reminder of how important these principles are to you. Learning is an active process.

So here are 3 action steps to solve getting more prospects and avoid confrontation problems.

1. Obviously, do not criticize, condemn or complain.

2.  Make the other person want to do it by giving honest and sincere appreciation.

3. Arouse the other with an eagerness that you want to help them.

Here is what to do right now to make sure that you get more prospects.  Fast as well!  I would highly recommend that you take the next step and brand yourself through an online marketing system.  Connect with new prospects, whether they come visit your blog, social networks like facebook or twitter, or come to your website  using these connecting techniques and help others to their goals.

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