How To Create MLM Prospecting Posture 7 Tips To Maximize Conversions For Your Business
These 7 tips are HOT and will always allow your prospects to look at you like a hero! Don’t underestimate the power that you hold in your hands.
Don’t you own your own business?
Do you have something that you know you can help so many more?
Your MLM prospecting posture comes into play when you become a leader and expert. It first comes from really knowing their problem.
When you can truly find the target type of person that you can help solve their problem, then you have truly became the expert. Let’s look at these typical approaches and problems that you may run into, even when you know you can help so many solve their problem.
When you look at these typical approaches, understand that is truly a mindset problem that you have to look at. Which is why it is vital that you are growing your personal development with mindset everyday. This includes reading and listing to positive audios like the Inner Circle inside of Empower Network. If you do not do this, you have no business approaching these typical problems. Keep seeking solutions as you continue building your mindset strong to handle all these fun obstacles.
When you can come from a place to tell someone not to join your business because you can tell they are NOT ready is when you are in the position of abundance.
The truth is, I could have answered there questions, problems and told them whatever they wanted to hear just to get the sale. That’s easy. People do that every day.
Truly be in a place where you want to see people succeed. If this person chooses to join after I specifically told them not too – that’s definitely on them. That’s just one thing I KNOW makes us different than almost every other business person and sponsor out there.
We care enough about people that we turn the money away when we know it just isn’t the right fit.
1. Does Income Proof Matter?
Let’s put this question in perspective with new thought questions:
Who do you want to associate with?
How do you want to be positioned?
Did it really matter when you just get started and your creating the biggest month ever in your MLM?
Do you have to see something to believe?
This is where mindset is key. You have to be confident in the action you take. Just simply take massive action. Your action should not depend on anyone else’s success.
Does this help? Sure, leverage any positive promotion you can give to help solve solutions faster.
In reality, when I first joined a company, I had no clue who I joined. Didn’t know the person. I didn’t know if it was a man or women. I just filled out an application, and looked more into the company, products, and looked like something I could stand behind and believe that I could promote it.
So how do you show income proof when you have none?
This can be extremely tricky on new launch company businesses as well. They are just starting. Yet, they all have potential. They know the powerful leaders record and how they position themselves in the market place.
Be determined on positioning YOU.
You can join a sponsor that has been able to generate $720,000 in the first 30 days, but does that really do you any good?
What kind of work are you going to actually apply to get you to your success dreams?
2. Throw Up or Show Up
Let’s explain the throw up process first as a classic MLMer.
This one is classic. Classic learning offline to online prospecting strategies. I still know people that will call the same people over and over and simply just tell people about their new business, products, owners, etc.
Do you care about what they are saying when someone calls and tell you what you are doing when you didn’t even ask?
Maybe, I think it depends on how well you know them. When you do this, you can not care if they want to learn more about it or not. You have to come in a position that you just want to tell them what you are doing now. That is if you haven’t fallen into the no friends left club. (NFL)
So don’t get stuck into depending on the throw up strategy. Simply throwing up what you are doing to everyone within 3 feet of you!
So how do you avoid the classic, excited mode of throwing up everything your doing and be a show up in front of who needs you?
“Content is King, Engagement is Queen, and she rules the house!” -Mari Smith
It is totally okay to ask for the sale, but you must have value.
Here are online social media resources to take advantage:
Content Curation: (find relevant content)
Find great content. Nobody wants to follow that is blank, and nothing they find interesting to comeback.
Schedule it out using Hootsuite! Even as often as every 5 minutes during a presentation! It is perfectly ok to repeat your tweets. Not back to back, but just add it again. To improve your value, check out your score using Klout. This will give you some guidance on what kind of social media audience you have online.
Find a strategy online to dominate and show up with that marketing strategy consistently like you rule the house! Make sure you have a follow up system to take your hot targeted prospects to get them to conversions.
Remember it usually takes people at least 7 exposure before they say yes.
Leverage sites like to create your own custom images. You have to start somewhere. What do people respond to? Learn a lot by studying other pages, leaders and the ones your attracted to.
People want to know that they matter. Respond fast on social media too for best results!
Take the following social media plan:
1. Content (create plus curate)
2. Engagement
3. Conversion
Give, give, give – ask.
It’s okay to ask for the sale.
3. Leader or Mysterious Insider?
How much in your face exposure do you need for your business?
This is one little trick is the number one fear of so many. “Do I have to make a video?”
Are you a wussy?
How bad do you want success?
Do you do whatever it takes?
Yet, there are reasons why having your face in front of your content and videos is not necessary. Many people simply use their voice or outsource
others to do what you do not want to do. Especially like guest blogging. Leverage other’s whenever possible to maximize all efforts in win-win for many business owners seeking exclusive MLM prospecting posture in the marketplace.
Learn how to position your business as a leader and brand if you like to keep it more mysterious insider to allow people to love what you are presenting.
Many professionals inside the MLM and network marketing niche always know how important it is to brand their own name, their own business. For the main reason as the business they promote can be shut down the next day. You can not depend on your entire list and data base inside that companies site where you have to start over from scratch.
Always be building your own circles and followers so you can restart any business and any income you desire to get you to your success dreams.
When you reach inside and bring out your personality, is when you will be able to stand out in the market. Find something that people can relate to you and your brand.
Many partner their brand to a color, animal or prop. Or simply a type of person that stands out being who they are. Look at top leaders in the industry and see what allows them to stand out. Are they a beach bum, engineer family guy, stay at home mom, musician? Then what is your style? Funny hat? Fun voice that stands out when you make videos? Tagline your passionate about?
When you start, this can be more tricky to find out what you want to bring out. Always experiment with different things and allow your test that with how you grow your audience online.
4. Targeted MLM Lead Tricks
Are there really tricks in finding MLM Targeted Leads?
You are either finding people that are looking for an opportunity, or in an opportunity already that need guidance or a change.
So it was always in my training that the targeted buyers are those that are looking at the MLM companies. They study their research in looking at the different companies.
There are places that these targeted prospects are looking. They look at the top two sites that give them the latest information on their companies.
There are also social sites that are exclusively for these prospects. One popular one is
Then find the groups where they share their opportunity to find your targeted MLM Leads.
I have done several valuable lessons, solved many problems on my blog and shared it in these groups.
It is helpful to connect and message more in a personal way. Remember engagement!
Another way is to create online events. These online events can be generic training helping others with a specific problem. When it looks more generic, more people are attracted to more of showing who you are.
When you attach a company to it, people already have an opinion on either the company or what is already being presented.
They may already have seen the companies presentation and know all about it. Remember that when you start approaching people and meet them where they are at.
Positioning is everything. Learn how to do it compelling by getting inside the 15K Formula to learn the secrets of how to up sell commission magician. Continuity and Duplication that allows you to be able to create $2,500 daily from only two and a half hours of work.
5. Family a Must?
When people think of family as being able to create MLM position posture is all about team and support. Many take that in the wrong way and think it’s hand holding. I mean I’ve seen some people do ads for other people. Do their work? Many times you want others to succeed so bad that you go at the cost of doing it yourself. This is no way to position yourself as a leader. How can you grow a team of leaders, when you do everything for them?
Sure, you can outsource people creating ads for you, but know where you are in your position as a leader?
Stay plugged in so you can scale your business. Have goals. Find a way to get 10 people a day to opt in to your capture page. Everything else is done for you. Sales funnels are ready.
So what stops people from reaching their goal?
Does your family support you in you reaching your goals? Once you are aware of that fear that stops you, the doors open up to finding the solutions. Here are a few tips from the famous book, You Are A Badass:
1. Done is better than perfect. Just send the email, make the video, etc. just do it!
2. Notice where you stop. Where do you get stopped? Certain part of what you are doing?
3. Push yourself past that stopping point. Make a bet with someone mean? Someone that will hold you accountable to it.
4. Own it and work with it. Don’t sit there feeling guilty what your not supposed to do. It’s not worth it. Give yourself permission to procrastinate.
What can help you with this process is finding a workout partner. Like tip number 3, find someone that can hold you accountable for the goals you set.
6. Sole Promoter vs. Multiple Promoter
Many people have different approaches with what people promote. I have also seen more people think leaders are more attractive when they promote multiple services, businesses, etc.
Does it matter on your MLM Prospecting Posture if you promote multiple businesses?
It possibly could. This is a place where would your prospects trust which one they should invest in? If leaders are all over the place promoting multiple business, it can be tricky to learn what they should really invest in.
This is where you find consistency. People generally trust more leaders when they show consistency. I have also seen leaders that do not promote anything else until they have hit a certain income level or promotion level and they have their residuals run on autopilot.
It’s all in positioning from here. Be consistent in your message and you can build any business and sell anything you want. To maximize your training on learning the positioning is inside the 15K Formula of Empower Network.
There is a specific strategy that is shared that will interview your new prospects that will position yourself for upsells. Now you are in the position to offer multiple products. It’s all in the up sell process. When you get this process, you’ll be a multiple promoter to high tickets.
7. Mindset vs. Traffic Myth
What is hype? An extravagant promotion? Do you promote a little exaggerated results?
13 leads in 20 minutes? Does that seem possible? For me, yes. That has happened to me.
$700,000 in 3 weeks? Does that seem possible? You may need to be at their level! It does not seem possible for many that are not going through their level. So this may sound like a little hype, or more exaggerated on many of average levels.
So know your target market and see what looks real to their level.
This is why I titled this section mindset or traffic myth. In reality you use your mindset to target you avatar on getting them to understand the difference between myth, hype and truth. It all goes back to number one, does income proof matter?
Open your mind to your true reach and who you can impact. This process keeps you understanding what looks like hype or spam-my to their crowd.
That is why high tickets were created in Empower Network. Many want to stay on their level and not step out of the box to think out of their comfort zone.
What does it take to have a high mindset?
It takes a decision. A decision to be committed to continue working on your mindset through positive audios and reading books.
Having a strong mindset, does your business matter if you have traffic or not? Is traffic easy to find?
When you develop a strong mindset, you will find more of the exact audience you want to drive traffic to.
Traffic does not do you any good if you do not have a way for people to take action on that site. Which is why so many people in MLM fail. Too many new members that start to promote a MLM business drive traffic to their companies website that is generic, has too much information and not systematic way to follow up with the visitors.
Yes, these sites should have a lot of information, and even sell products on there, but if you are looking for targeted distributors, you need to think outside the box.
Inside the new Internet Traffic Formula, you will get exact training steps of where you will find targeted traffic. Even a way to create a capture page that will be solely focused on collecting an email. Then specific strategies to take you on getting various options on where you want to drive targeted traffic.
Every business is different as we are all bring unique personalities and styles to the marketplace. Know your competition out there and leverage it. I remember a great story of exactly how you can leverage a leader that is your direct competition.
Say there is the number one hamburger stand in a hot location that gets people coming for miles around just to get these amazing hamburgers. They have so much demand that they run out of hamburgers! Then look at right beside them. A booth that they call them second best hamburgers. Now their line isn’t as long as the number one hamburger stand, but it sure does get just as good business, since the number one hamburger stand ran out of burgers!
You can see so many other examples of the second best standing out in other businesses like car rentals and airlines all the time. Does it matter if you are second best? Simply be you. People will find the unique qualities you bring into the market place and relate to what you have to offer. Don’t look at how many fans they may have, or how many leads they can email. Always show the quality and value you bring to your market place to allow you to have the best MLM prospecting posture that shows the true you.
Look inside and take to heart how you can use these 7 tips to improve your conversions in your business to maximize your best MLM prospecting posture.
1. Does Income Proof Matter?
2. Throw Up or Show Up
3. Leader or Mysterious Insider?
4. Targeted MLM Lead Tricks
5. Family a Must?
6. Sole Promoter vs. Multiple Promoter
7. Mindset vs. Traffic Myth
When you really take and apply these different tips to your business, you’ll notice it will effect you in other areas of your life. The others around you that are close to you will be able to see the true self as you grow and develop as a stronger leader for your business and life.
One of the first steps in showing you are a leader is to share what you have learned. You can do that by showing us in your comments on this post. Re-blogging or sharing in a video and other ways to show your true self as a leader. Everyone has an opinion and can voice it well with taking action. Bring out a point that really stuck out to you and share a response to how you can improve the value shared.
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