How To Create A Gravatar



Here is where you can create a gravatar for you comments:

Learn how to create a gravatar and show value when commenting on wordpress blogs or anywhere that uses a gravatar for your feedback and value.

Another great post that shows step by step on how to create a gravatar is on:

How To Create Your Gravatar

GR avatar is a globally recognized avatar. This is an image that you’ve associated with one or more email addresses – and when you make a comment on a blog or in a forum that supports gravatars, your comment will have more meaning.

Create your own image.  You know a picture says a thousand words.  So make your words and comments have more meaning with your picture beside it.

The most recent version of WordPress supports gravatars by default, and plugins are available for most major blogging platforms. It is getting easier for people and companies to use gravatars in their web sites, and once you set one up, it will work on every website that supports gravatars.

How Do Gravatars Work?

The website will take the email address (that you supplied when making a comment), encrypt it (with MD5 encryption – very strong stuff), and send it to the gravatar web site when rendering the page. It does this within the request to render an image on the web page. The image that the gravatar website provides is your image. So your email address is never just “floating around out there.” It is secure.

So go make your gravatar, and add some value by testing it out with your comments below.  Be sure to subscribe to Alecia Stringer for more valuable tips and tricks to add to your business profile.


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