How To Connect With Network Marketers




Network MarketersYes, many people that are in the industry of network marketing, do not know how to communicate to fellow network marketers. This is your target audience. Other people that know and are in the industry.

Learn to interview other network marketers to really get to know them and where they are in their business. Not only will it help you in your business, but will help them as well. Isn’t that what this business is all about?

Here are 12 questions that will get you going to ask other network marketers:

1. Are you still active in your company?
2. Are you building a business or just using the products?
3. Are you doing the business full time or part time?
4. How long have you been in it?
5. What was it that attracted you to the company?
6. Is this your first experience in network marketing?
7. If not, what was your first networking experience?
8. How many other companies did you try?
9. How are you doing so far getting leads, and getting business going?
10. Are you happy with the money your making?
11. Why do you think you couldn’t make money in the business?
12. Would you be open to looking at another company that didn’t have those obstacles?

Having questions in your pocket, ready to make conversation, will put you in a role with high posture.  Take the time to really listen.  These questions will spark their conversation to talk about themselves.  Use this role to really learn each other’s problems in the industry so you can be educated on how to help them.  They may even find ways to help you.

Always make friends, and know who to go to for resources or talents you may need in the future. Connect in many ways on the internet, but the real connection you can make is offline on the phone.  Feel free to do as much online connection by asking these questions any way through facebook, twitter, skype, instant messanger. But use those resources to get them on the phone to ask these questions. I will go much smoother, faster, and a more real connection.

Be sure to connect with Alecia in all the places you can find on this blog and with your comments below.  Add any more questions that you like to ask.  Comments give each other feedback for always improving our leadership.

Don’t miss out on the basic training of online marketing and social media by going through the 5 day internet lead generation bootcamp by clicking on the image below.

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9 responses to “How To Connect With Network Marketers”
  1. Scott moore Avatar
    Scott moore

    Excellent post! Very well said! Networking is definitely important.

    Scott Moore

    1. Alecia Avatar

      Thanks Scott, it sure is.

  2. Danny Avatar

    I could use theses 12 questions Alecia to my prospects or network marketers! This blog post on connecting with network marketers definitely helps! Thanks!

  3. Nicky Avatar

    Useful tips Alecia – some people on Facebook find it hard to know what to “chat” about and as you say – mixing with other network marketers is key for building relationships and sharing tips.

  4. Nathan Gonzalez Avatar

    Awesome post Alecia! These questions are so powerful.

  5. Kim Mullette Avatar
    Kim Mullette

    Great information here Alecia, thanks for sharing!


    great tips for networking here, its good to connect without sounding like an opportunist. Thanks Alecia

  7. Hamish Avatar

    Those are some great suggestions Alecia. First contact, and networking events, can be very difficult for many people. I think that your list will be very helpful for many marketers.

    I will certainly be using a couple of those in future – thanks for that.

    1. Alecia Avatar

      Thanks Hamish, glad to help.