How to Choose a Really Good Network Marketing System



How to Choose a Really Good Network Marketing System

Each day masses of people invest their money to join a network marketing opportunity with the expectation of making some additional earnings working only a few hours per week from home. Sadly by the end of approximately 3 months in business three-quarters of people will quit, very often worse off than they started.  The vital need of a good network marketing system must be in place to overcome these challenges.

Not having a good network marketing system is a very typical eventuality. It doesn’t have to be like that.

There is only one thing between enjoying noteworthy success with network marketing or failing like those other 75 percent, and that is the use of an easy network marketing system which will do the majority of the difficult work for you and your downline.


Tools Are Not a Network Marketing System

One of the most common mistakes many new business owners make is in thinking TOOLS comprise a good network marketing system.

Yet nothing could be further from the honest truth.

A good network marketing system may milk any number of tools, but a tool… In and of itself… Is sometimes completely worthless aside from a fully integrated, completely functional “series of processes” built to produce a consistent and measurable result.

For example, your company may give you a wonderful DVD presentation certain to generate interest in your product, service or opportunity.

Yet this DVD is really just a tool and absolutely worthless without a system ( a collection of processes ) designed to get the DVD in the hands and DVD players of prospects who might have an interest in learning more.

A live MLM webinar event hosted by the top income earner in your company is a great sponsoring and closing tool.

Yet it will not produce one iota of a result unless you have got a system in place to make public the webinar to new prospects, provide a means of registration, and provide you with a copy of their contact info for purposes of follow up.

Below Is an Example of a Network Marketing System

Systems need to be a sequence of steps engineered to produce the desired end result.

Therefore a good online network marketing system will be a total process using organic search engine methods, following these steps:

A market research tool will be used to choose a target market, which has an interest in, or a need for your product. For example, this target market might be chubby people.

The exact words, phrases, and expressions used in a selected niche need to be analyzed using keyphrase research tools. For example “network marketing opportunities”.

Use tools to determine how many web pages, blog entries, articles or advertisements are competing for the specified key terms and choose the least competitive, best-chance results.

Write or outsource the writing of an information problem/solution article.

Articles should be submitted to article directory websites or submitted to services that will pass out the articles to many article directory sites immediately.

Article marketing should be performed by using pings, social bookmarking tools or by securing high PR backlinks.

The above steps all sum up to being a system, it is a series of processors engineered to produce a result. In this example, it is to get a new web page into the SERPs and ranking at the top, so pulling in traffic which will be your market. By employing this system correctly it’ll bring a torrent of highly qualified traffic to your internet site, where you’ll have to implement one more system to capture these people’s information, and by using other promotional strategies this system should result in your desired outcome in this example a sale.

Employing a Turnkey Online Network Marketing System

One of the fastest ways to take your business to the next level is to find and usefully integrated network marketing system proven to supply the result you’re looking for.

But make sure you are not simply making an investment in yet another tool without a system for using the tool effectively.

Here is the network marketing system training I recommend.

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5 responses to “How to Choose a Really Good Network Marketing System”
  1. Toni Strand Avatar
    Toni Strand

    All Network Marketing Systems are not created equal!

  2. AleciaStringer Avatar

    yes use your tools wisely

  3. Rebecca Arthur Avatar
    Rebecca Arthur

    Great value. Thanks AleciaStringer! 🙂

  4. Theresa Candy Lovelace Avatar
    Theresa Candy Lovelace

    Some thought should definitely go into choosing!

  5. Shannon Lee Avatar
    Shannon Lee

    you always have great tips Alecia