How Do You Provide Value In Your Marketing?



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Let’s show details and action steps on how do you provide value.

When you provide value, you have to keep in mind how you want to give value to your visitor.  Give them an insight or awareness to something they have not seen before.

You do not have to be dependent on your friends or family. You can find new prospects for your business without having to bug people. Some people just don’t understand that.

Let’s show details and action steps on how do you provide value.

Alecia Stringer

Learn at what the person is. People want to buy from other people. They want to buy from you.

So ask yourself, why do they want to buy from you?

What is this key to success?

Don’t make it more complicated than it really is. Simply provide what your customers want.

To learn what your customers want, besides a simple market research, you need to build relationships with your customers to get honest feedback. This way, it’ll be easier for you to provide value what your target audience needs.

Put your marketing message out there they way you talk. You can’t “fake it til you make it” out there because people can sense that. Write and share like you are talking to a friend.

How to build customer relationships and provide value?

As the only way to interest your customer is to give something to him/her, you’ll need to actually give something out for free and useful before you are able to sell anything. Endless ideas can come from offering something to get people’s attention.

Here are a few ideas to strike some ideas:

  • personal approach to business
  • information on how to use your product
  • advice which product best to buy for an occasion
  • reviews of other product/service providers
  • quality product (better quality for the same price)
  • superb customer support
  • incentives for referrals
  • an easy to navigate and use website
  • an accessible website
  • valuable informative ebook or video

Providing value

The common characteristic of the above items is that you will provide value to your customers without them actually paying you first. First, you give them something intangible, then they buy from you. That simple.

Remember the people who provide value…

  • Constantly give you the feeling that you’re getting more than you’re paying for.
  • Keep producing over and over and over again
  • Know it’s not about the money
  • Actually worry about the long term quality of their product
  • Get the job done even if they have to go outside of their comfort zone
  • Don’t skip important phases in a process just because someone else was supposed to do them – they do them anyways
  • Have dreams and know how to follow them — they stick to it

Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

Don’t let people be something that you are not. Be yourself, be natural.

Take action and provide value on your own profitable blog and website for more value to your followers, fans and prospects.

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8 responses to “How Do You Provide Value In Your Marketing?”
  1. Margaret Wilson Avatar
    Margaret Wilson

    Great Post Alicia. As always your value in this post is commendable!

  2. Akos Fintor Avatar
    Akos Fintor

    Hey Alecia,

    “Don’t let people be something that you are not. Be yourself, be natural.”

    So right, People can sniff out a faker from a mile away and oh boy that’s a turn off.

    One of the major element in success is being authentic -by the founder of Success Magazine

    Bob Proctor says : For me to be free I gotta be ME!

    great insight there!

    Keep ’em coming!


    1. Alecia Avatar

      Right on! Thanks for your valuable insights and stopping by!

  3. Luke Avatar

    Hey Alecia!

    Some awesome advice.

    It’s a good question – how do you provide value? And yes – not many people really do. Whoever provides the most value – WINS!

    Great post and thanks for sharing Alecia 😉

  4. Joseph Skoda Avatar
    Joseph Skoda

    I love this Alecia. Too many people just market and market without adding Real Value….

    1. Alecia Avatar

      SO true Joseph!

  5. Charlene Quashie Avatar
    Charlene Quashie

    Providing Value is Key and the best thing you can do for you and your audience.

  6. Heather Shay Avatar
    Heather Shay

    Awesome! Value is the key to success