When you look at the global views for your business, it forces you to look at a bigger picture of where you need to take your business. With the technology of the internet now, we can really expand our market beyond the local market and the “who you know list” that many thrive on.
Where do you need to take your business from a global views stand point?
In the network marketing business model, systems are used primarily to get leads. This doesn’t mean you are going to make money, but that is where your money is gonig to come from. Understand the focus of using a system to generate leads so you know the quality and type of leads so you can get to convert them into sales and money on the back end.
Traffic is not the only solution to generate leads or sales, but you need to understand what kind of traffic is in order to get leads and sales.
You can get sales without someone becoming a lead. But you miss out on a few key components:
1. When they become a lead, you can send them more information and learn more about your business. Through the different communication styles, you can do this through email, text messaging, videos, social media in fan pages, groups and much more.
2. When they find more about you and your business, they can see more social proof of people being successful or relating to the same problems you have. Social proof has been a powerful strategy that helps people make that buying decision much easier and less stressful.
Another reason why you should lead with getting a lead first, is to then show them more products or services you offer. This is very key in the network marketing niche, as you would profit more from getting a lead first. Then promote your network marketing opportunity.
Having global views of leads coming in your business, what do you lead with first?
You can capture leads with global views anywhere in the world. Especially in paid pay per click marketing. Like in Facebook or Twitter, you can really narrow down the location as well as niche keyword people are talking about.
Since there are companies located all around the world, it is important to know where you want to target people to get them converted into your business. Using a system like Empower Network or My Lead System Pro, capture pages allows you to target anyone in different locations or niches. This is why you should start with a system like these to aide in generating leads first.
Focus on attracting the right prospect in looking at global views and leads for your business. Take a look at these traits and focus on attracting the right people, no matter what global views they have.
Trait #1. They are Self-starter. Self-starters are people of action. They don’t just sit around, the simply go get r’ done! Self-starters make decision easily and fast. They just have confidence in a way that even if there is failure, you know you will learn from it and move on. As an example, you need to generate leads, but on a tight budget. This may be limiting, but you stay focused in a way to continue to strive to focus on the next level. As a self-starter, you would go to work about gathering information pertinent to your search. Your search could lead you to developing and designing your own website or a blog. Your primary objective is a system to promote your network marketing business opportunity.
Trait #2. Self-starters are Self-motivated: The self-motivated MLM person has a lot of motivation and drive. This is because each one of us is a unique being. One person’s motivations may be different from everyone else’s. Hope’s motivation for starting an MLM business could be to earn $1,000 per month or more even $20,000 per month. Or it could be that she wants to home school her 2 kids. And that requires earning an income working from home. Your level of motivation is dependent upon your purpose and level of commitment. It all depends on your dream. Vision it for your success in what you will create.
Trait #3. Self Starters are Creative. Creative Self Starters are those that naturally have extra ordinary ideas. They often come up with good ideas and problem solving solutions. Self starters have a global views in place as they are solution oriented. Solutions become their middle name because they focus on finding solutions, rather than dwelling on the challenges. The gist here is this, if you have a limited advertising budget, you would get to work finding all the available free advertising medium instead of sitting back thinking over and over how limited your budget is. As you are being creative using the free methods, the motivation is to your creativity would result in expanding your MLM advertising program. You would also have the knowledge from research and this would lead to resolving the problem and creating an additional income in the process.
Trait #4. Self Starters are Self-disciplined. A self-disciplined network marketer is one who does not need someone standing over. They do not need someone to tell them what to do. This comes back to the habits or mindset from when we grow up and are under our parents rule, or under another boss as an employee. The self starters do not need anyone telling to get something done. They determine what needs to be done, then set aside time to do it. A network marketing business may fail, but a self-disciplined individual does not accept that they are a failure. They simply learn from their mistakes and use them as a tool to attain maximum success.
Do you have these traits as you look into the global views for business?
Once you are able to attract these traits, stay consistent on your daily activities for success.
Daily Activities to Global Views in Your Business
1. Commit and spend more time focusing on “why” things happen rather than “how” they happen so that you unlock your creativity and make your own way of “how to”.
2. Blog Daily and continue with your blogging challenge.
3. Dedicate yourself to constant learning. Spend 1 hour a day listening to Inner Circle audios inside Empower Network.
4. Learn something new and then blog about it.
5. Watch the first 3 videos of the 15K Formula on the psychology of content marketing, social syndication and SEO basics.
As you continue your strategy, it takes the dedication and consistency to bring you results in your global views for your business. Click the button below to learn more:
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