Future Proofing Your Online Business




What is future proofing?

future proofing
Future Proofing

Does it take a long time to build a business where it is protected by future proofing?

How do you create a real residual income when people that you bring in don’t last, grow, and just simply complain?

Let’s take an inside look at how you can future proof your business.

Why do people don’t last and not future proofing their business?

Learn from Lawrence, who started mlm in 2006 and went online in 2008.  He built a blog in 2009, and truly took SEO seriously in 2010. In 2011, built his business to 10k, and now can really share the concept of future proofing your business.

1. Why people don’t last? Lack of cash flow. If your cash flow is low, and all you think about how much something cost, you are not going to last with your buying mentality. You have to understand that you have to test your return on investment. Think about those teachers you pay for. How much do you invest on the training you recieve from a specialty teacher? Say piano, voice, coaching?  You have to understand how much is involved to what you are going to get from it.

When you don’t have a self generated cash flow from job or other means, it is hard to start unless you have a funded proposal in place. A funded proposal is coming from the traffic, autoresponder, and the first product you offer people. You must take these steps to grow your prospects and grow your business. This is how you build a reputation if you have a follow system that you can create with your prospects. A lot of people drop off because they do not get their return on investment fast enough.

Once people are committed for 6 months building a list, you can see the difference of who is committed to change their future proofing in their online business.   Watch the thousands of dollars you spend on marketing your online business and the junk you accumulate that does not work. Or you can not apply correctly.

Then came along Empower Network. Lawrences goal was to make 12k per month, and has accomplished his goal. You need some sort of stable income of about $200 to $500 for 4 years where you can realistically make this goal. Compare this with a college education, of spending 15k per year for a college degree. This all goes back to your why on why people do not grow.

2. Don’t grow? The lack of application over time. You are not doing testing, building or growing. You have to grow and test every marketing strategy. The programs and training in mlm is mainly learning a specific function for you to improve your business. There is a certain creditablity you get when you learn these strategies. Eventually you are paid what you are worth. Do you believe you are worth $50k a month.

Time is on your side. You must reproduce it by simply tell others (17 hours), blog daily (1 hour). How do you do it part time? Those are the ones that have some money that can pay for the tools to be profitable. Use Coops and buy traffic. Grow into your business.

3. Complaining? You see it all the time. How can you make a full time living on building a list? How big does it need to be? On average, most people building a list make $1 per person. Lawrence has built his business funnel and can build one rep to building $1,000.

How do you crush complaining when future proofing?

You need to find your why. Why are you in business? You can complain with why your spouse is complaining on how much you are spending on marketing. You can complain on why you are up in the middle of the night figuring out your marketing strategy. Downlines love to complain. You have to break down and go back to their why and what is efficient for their time. You can drive people to success.

Build traffic, and use all your resources, offline and online.

If you are on building a list, bring them in Empower Network first, then MLM, then only 5% will do more online marketing with MLSP and really work an online marketing strategy. The confusion can be on how you really profit from the backend residual opportunity in mlm. Don’t get this barrier messed up. They will only sell you HOW to build an mlm. But they have crap downlines. They don’t know how to effectively build a team. A team that will duplicate using effective strategies. Mainly offline that will help those around them, friends, family, locally. Plus online that they can do more massive strategies beyond your network.

Back ending on a mlm product and your own product. Know how much of your income comes from each. You either buy time, or make money then make them call you and ask what you are doing. It’s a fine line and process.

Bridge the process of helping bridging your process of building a prospect online to offline. You must connect with them on the phone. Now if you are making more than $5k per month. You never have time to talk to prospects, only customers. The behavior of the phone with customers is duplicatible. The attention span is different. How fast you can do it depends on this factor. The tools offline is not as pricey as tools online can be. What are you doing today to build your business?

Are you building a list, a brand, and are you good with your time? Fundamental process. Understand that your money is going to come from people. Know how to grow, keep retention and build drive to future proofing your online business.

The first place to learn the inside strategies and connect offline to online is to attend events. The first event in Empower Network is in Atlanta, GA. Learn how you can get in on the round table strategies that take place at an intimate setting to truly take people’s business on the next level in order to keep future proofing your online business. Click the button below to go the next level.


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