How To Get A Free Blog Hosted




When you decide to become a small business owner, or a business entrepreneur, or get into network marketing, it is best to brand yourself and get your own blog to show your readers and subscribers exactly what you have to offer and more about you.  So we will explore the options of how to get a free blog hosted and the advantages and disadvantages to having a free blog hosted.

Here is a list of free blog sites that you can put your content on and share:

With these free blog sites, it is great to post your content to, but if it is not self hosted, the content can disappear without you knowing.  Those that host this site has the choice to keep your content on it or not.

There are many pluses to having a blog as well.  With all the different plug ins available now, it can help you get in the search engines a lot faster as well as share your content with your friends instantly.

I recommend that you update your blog at least 3 times a week for regular visitors.  This will help your readers learn more about you and what you recommend as well.  You also have the capabilities to make it interactive with videos and linking your information to other places for your readers to get more information.

It is helpful to get backlinks to your blog as well by commenting and bookmarking your content.  An automatic way to do this would get a TribePro account where you can use the onlywire service to automatically bookmark it for you.  There are other ways to bookmark it automatically with different plug ins or do it manually.  Here is a list of some of the bookmarking sites to use:

When you decide to start a blog for your business, don’t get too overwhelmed in the whole process.  Understand that it is a long term process that you will always be changing and revolving.

Start with small goals of getting the basics and then start to look in your budget to see how much you can automate the process.  You can start getting leads from your blog faster than you think once you add a few key elements.  One being a personalized header, an opt in box that people can subscribe to your list, and content that entices them to learn more.  Use keywords in a way that people will search for and find what they need to solve their problem and you have business booming.  So comment below and let me know if you use a blog and how this post has helped you in your decision of how you can get a free blog hosted for your business.


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