Click Here to go to the Fan Page to submit your blog post.
Fight the Forces of Evil Ticket Contest for
Alecia Stringer and Scott Raley’s
Empower Network Team
Contest runs Sept. 1st through Sept. 15. Winner is announced on Alecia’s Birthday, Sept. 16th.
To win the contest you must follow the submission rules to win:
1. You must be in our team, or under Lawrence Tam’s team.
2. Best blog post submission wins. It must have the following criteria:
1. Why you deserve to get a free ticket to the San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil Event.
2. What made you make the decision to join Empower Network.
3. What are your goals and success dreams you want to accomplish in Empower Network.
4. What is your plan in Empower Network to accomplish your goals and success dreams.
Alecia and Scott will review all the entries. They must be submitted on the Facebook Page of Ask Alecia Stringer in the comment stream with your Facebook app blog post link. Not only the winner get’s a free ticket to the San Diego event, your post will be featured on our blog as well.
We know that your story will be empowering to share to others, so go all out and make a video along with text to share on your blog. More exposure by just participating and sharing your story, will enable your success dreams to come true, so we expect everyone to go make your blog post and share today.
Here is where you go to access the app to access your app link to share it on the Facebook Fan Page.
There is still time to get in and take advantage of this contest. The time is now. Don’t sell yourself short. You have so much to share. You know what can potentially come out of this Fight the Forces of Evil Event.
Click the image to see how we plan for your success.
See the LIVE hangout: “How To Make $30,000 Monthly – From People Who ACTUALLY Do…”
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