Looking To Be Famous In Your Online Business In The New Year?




In your online business, you need nothing but success in the new year.  We are always looking for ways to create massive action, massive traffic, and massive appeal.  Here are a few ways you can be consistent in order to be successful.

1. Make personal videos, videos promoting articles you wrote to personal messages to groups and pages in Facebook.

2. Send a video message or add a valuable message (No spam!) to 15 to 25 groups in your niche.

3. Message a minimum of 25 new friends and introduce yourself.  People trust people that they can relate to and seem real to them.

4. Use Google Chrome extension: facebook invite all.  Make invites to your friends and pages once a week to an event.  It can be a free training, or your company event.

5. Call and connect to people.  Make your own goal, whether it’s 5, or 10 people, or just make time for 1 to 2 hours.  Use facebook and go to: http://facebook.com/friends and find their phone number.  Find something in common and always ask questions.

Only if you are consistent with these 5 tips, you can start to see the  massive results you desire.  Try it out for 90 days straight and see how famous you can become in facebook and even youtube combined if you are making videos!

In any business, you must be consistent.  If your goals are not achieved, then it is because you are running from your challenges.  Keep a strong mindset to overcome your challenges ahead.  Be sure to watch this video to help you get more ideas on how you can become famous in your online business in the new year.

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