First Steps To Success Is Overcoming Excuses




Everyone has struggles in making excuses in taking action in your business online. Be consistent and don’t dwell on your problems. They will always be there. Take control of you and your mind and see how you can stop making excuses to take yourself to the next level. It’s how you handle these challenges is who defines who you are.

Excuses can become a habit once you start making them.  Habit’s can be hard to break once you start.  That is why it is so hard to take control and look ahead on how you can stop making excuses on why you are not taking action in working on your business.

Look at the whole picture of your business and see the missing links on what you can do to make that change in your network marketing business.

Here are a few action steps of how you can evaluate your business and see how you can move forward and not taking action.  They are just simply making excuses.

1. What is your mindset? Are you clear and focused on your goal.  Write what you need to make to get to the next level of what you need to make now and how you can increase your now money for residual.

2.  What is your marketing strategy? Are you doing several strategies?  Here are a few online strategies that are available to promote your network marketing business: videos, blogs, articles, classified ads, press releases, pay per click marketing.  Be sure to diversify your strategies and not focus on one strategy so you can get more people other than one place.  That way if one strategy wasn’t working, you had another one to back up on.

3. What is your future vision? Having that focused vision will allow one to see where and what their goal is in their business.  Take your brand and see how people can become fans, become involved, and become engaged in your business.

Once you have answered these questions and evaluate where you are going.  You can make clear and focused answers to take your business to the next level and excuses will not even be a factor.

Take a look at a focused system on how you are able to take prospects to the next level.  You see exactly how you can take prospects in learning more about you, branded your business and add value to your business and not making excuses.

Masters sort and amateurs sell.  Relating to your prospect is really key.  It’s the value you need to focus on.  Listening is the key, not excuses.

Be a leader and an expert to overcome excuses in your network marketing business.



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6 responses to “First Steps To Success Is Overcoming Excuses”
  1. Zaneta Avatar

    Hey Alecia, what a great post you wrote. From my perspective the Mindset is the most important aspect in overcoming all excuses. Once everyone has a set mindset what he/she wants to achieve everything else will come and fall in place. Keep up the great work. Zaneta

  2. Piyush Avatar

    Mindset is so important for success, but so many people lose this battle and don't realize that it's a big secret to success

  3. Mike Webb Avatar
    Mike Webb

    This is a good article and you give some great advice for living… consistency and a positive mind set will go a long way to help anyone with success in any endeavor. Thanks for the tips and reminders… we really need to stay on top of these things because it's easy to get caught in a funk if you don't take concrete steps to keep your attitude i the right place. thanks again.

  4. 2asuccess Avatar

    Thanks Mike.

  5. Sandraji Lynn Avatar
    Sandraji Lynn

    Oh!!~~ excuses

  6. Kesha S Parker Avatar
    Kesha S Parker

    Yes No more excuse…learning how to make “Excuses Be Gone” (Dr. Wayne W Dyer)