Do Your Research Before You Leap



make money from home

The promise of making money from your home leads many people to enter into shady programs. The internet is an amazing tool, but there are a lot of people who know how to manipulate that system and its users. As such, there are banners and advertisements for all kinds of at-home entrepreneur opportunities, but people must learn to be wary of the programs that make promises that simply seem to good to be true.

This doesn’t mean that working from home isn’t a viable option. It just means people have to be smart about the programs that they became involved with. If you’re thinking about entering into an internet based business, don’t forget to use the internet before you ever sign any contract or make any commitments. That is to say, research the company that you’re becoming involved with. See what others have had to say. You’d be surprised how easy it is to determine if something is a scam with a simply visit to the search engines!

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5 responses to “Do Your Research Before You Leap”
  1. Perig Vennetier Avatar
    Perig Vennetier

    Hey Alecia,

    I am a scientific person so I like doing some research on everything 😉

    I think you have a great point. Some people may join some fishy programs and then they spit on the entire industry. Unfortunately there will always be unscrupulous people so doing a good research is crucial.

    Good job on your site, looks good.

  2. Cobus Avatar

    Couldn’t agree more, you really need to do your due diligence before getting involved with a online business. As the saying goes “if it sound to good it probably is”

    Keep up the great work I am always waiting to see what other gems of information you will share with us.

    Thank You

  3. Terri Bork | Avatar
    Terri Bork |

    Everyone should do their due diligence. There are a lot of companies out there and the newest and next best thing pops up every other day. It is easy to get lost in the internet world.

    Many comp plans are designed not to pay. I recommend that when you are investigating a company that you ask them to send you a copy of their pay plan and their procedures as well. This way you can determine if the company you are going to do business for will do business with you should you decide to take a 2 month vacation.

    As with anything that you get involved with, the key to success is to take immediate massive action when you do sign up.

    Thank you for the excellent post.

    Terri Bork

  4. Thomas Lierzer Avatar

    great post, i do agree with everything you say, sadly to say that those marketers also use a scare tactic in order to get traffic to their program.

    When researching a company, sometimes believing a person who ranks high on the search engine could also be a mistake. What I like to do is, when I see people talk about other companies, specially when using the word scam etc, I do contact the person and ask if they have proof of their claim.

    Just to see if those marketers are as honest to the researcher.

    But if all research is done and it still feels wrong, then go with your gut and walk away.

    Take care, Thomas

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