Have you tried Twitter and not sure if you like or want to keep it up to build your internet business? I mean there is a lot to learn and find the strategies that will work for you in your life and internet business.
There are some amazing growth in Twitter from Feb. 2008 to Feb. 2009 that was reported 1382% with the incline increasing yet further in recent months.
Like most social networks, it seems many people loose steam with service. Like most services the users that sign up fail to return the following in the month they signed up. And in the 12 months has they say “pre-Oprah”, retention rates were even lower and only have 30% returned in the next month. So good news, that they have increased over time.
So every social network goes through growth phases when starting out.
Question is, how can Twitter make sure that users stick around for the long haul? What is it about Facebook and MySpace that make them so appealing?
As I use Twitter more everyday, you start to see how you can really create relationships and see the power of finding connections that can help you with anything you want to accomplish.
I’d like to offer you personalized training on how you can use Twitter to explode your business better than any paid method of advertising. It is possible to build your business on free advertising strategies.
So go to the top of this page and put your name and email. Sign up for Twitter at Twitter.com, then e-mail me to schedule a 30 min. consultation for some tips on how you can use Twitter to grow your internet business. I look forward in helping you explode your internet business and I’d also love to hear your comments on your goals on how you can stick around using Twitter for your internet business.
Follow Alecia on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/2asuccess
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