Creating Magic From the Power of Persistence and Princesses Part 12



Creating Magic From the Power of Persistence and Princesses Part 12

Listen to how this story of procrastination also effects your persistence.

Stories of our Princesses from Queen Esther to Belle, to Cinderella all show their dedication with the power of persistence.

I got a question for ya!

What are you more concerned with, PRICE or PROFIT?

Are you really more concerned with the price that a business is
going to cost you to get started, or are you more concerned about

You see, when most people look for a way to make money from home,
the first thing people wanna know is…

“How much is this thing going to cost me”?

You see, people have this pain about spending money.

They wanna make money, but they don’t wanna spend any money to make
it, which is not logical at all.

They want something for NOTHING!

They’re what I like to call, people with lottery mentalities.

Think about it…

What business, on the face of this Earth, has ever been started
with NO money?


Seriously, if you wanna make a few hundred thousand dollars, you
typically gotta spend a few thousand or more to get it!

Or in the instance of Empower Network, only $25! PAINLESS!

But some people actually don’t wanna put out any money. They
actually think they can join a program for f.ree, or maybe one of
those $50 programs, and make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you join one of those FREE programs, where do you expect the
money to come from?

That makes absolutely NO sense.

You need customers (product buyers) in order to make money.

You GET what YOU pay for!

Here’s one of my pet peeves…

Occasionally people will ask me, “Why don’t you just let me in for, and then when I make some money, I’ll pay you back.”

That’s the mentality of a THIEF!

That’s what a thief does, they want “something for nothing”.

Why should I let someone in for F.REE? If I have enough faith in the
program, I would never devalue it to let someone in for fre.e! If
you’re serious about this program you’re going to make your money
back and be in profits in no time.

Here’s another quick question…

Do you think if a person came in for, that they would take
this business seriously?

Absolutely… NOT!

Do you think if someone came in for f.ree, that they’d work this
business like they just spent a grand to get it going?

Not at all!

And let me ask you this: how can a person have a problem putting
out $25 to get started with Empower Network, and then EXPECT to have
other customers pay $25 as well to purchase our products?

That makes ZERO sense and it doesn’t work like that!

Do you honestly think we have people making $1,000 a day or more,
because they got started for

Get real!

Those programs don’t work…

This one DOES!

There are people here with Empower Network making an extra $1,000-$3,000 a
month, there are people here making an extra $1,000-$3,000 a
week…and then there are people like myself who take this business
very seriously and earn $1,000-$3,000+ a day.

So let me ask you again, what are you more concerned with, Price or

What you need to be concerned with is RESULTS!

And in order to get RESULTS you need to take action… and to do
that you need to step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk.

When talking about starting your own business, $300 is virtually

Only two things can make you money – time or money.

Time won’t get you there. The ONLY answer is to take your money,
and put it where it can multiply.

Sorry for my rant – I just had somebody ask me to p@y their way in
today. If I did it for them, I’d have to do it for everyone, and it
wouldn’t be fair to those already on board.

Your first step is to visit

and sign up in Empower Network. For those SERIOUS about making
m0ney, Empower Network is the only way to go.

Life is short – this is hardly a risk – just an opportunity to change
your life. Living your life in fear of risk is no way to live at all.

I’m here to assist you with your business, but you gotta take the
first step.

All the best,
Alecia Stringer
Take the first step, watch the video and subscribe at:

Tags: Creating Magic From the Power of Persistence and Princesses Part 12, PRICE or PROFIT, Empower Network,

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3 responses to “Creating Magic From the Power of Persistence and Princesses Part 12”
  1. Ruthida Namubiru Avatar
    Ruthida Namubiru

    Hello Alecia,

    It’s good you are talking about persistence today. Sometimes we give up too soon! And then there’s that monster called procrastination – A real dream killer!

    Thanks for the great info Alecia!


    1. Alecia Avatar

      That’s right Ruthida. It’s the simple things that allow us to keep going.

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