Creating Magic Through Knowledge Part 9



Creating Magic Through Knowledge

Buy or Don’t Buy?

Creating Magic Through Knowledge

With your knowledge, do these 3 things, and make money, every time.

Books suggested are Think and Grow Rich, Creating Magic, and of course, the Bible. If you need to, find them here:

Jump on the think and grow rich call:

Monday – Friday 9am EST/6am PST
1-712-432-0900 – Access Code: 565762#
or catch the recording!
1-712-432-0990 – Access Code: 565762#

Also use skype using the freeconferencecall line.

Learn the secrets of developing an unstoppable prosperity based mindset that WILL Empower you to new heights of success and personal achievement.


Thoughts Are Things
The opening chapter is merely a series of anecdotes where a person’s thoughts, in various ways, resulted in real world effects, and not in the sense of a brilliant new idea, either. Instead, the focus of these tales is that of determination and desire, attributes that pretty much anyone can have.
Step 1: Desire

Step 2: Faith

Step 3: Autosuggestion

Step 4: Specialized Knowledge

Step 5: Imagination

Step 6: Organized Planning

Step 7: Decision

Step 8: Persistence

Step 9: Power of the Master Mind

Step 10: The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

Step 11: The Subconscious Mind

Step 12: The Brain

Step 13: The Sixth Sense

The Six Ghosts of Fear

Tags: Creating Magic Through Knowledge, Desire, Faith, Autosuggestion, Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Organized Planning, Decision, Persistence, Power of the Master Mind, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation, The Subconscious Mind, The Brain, The Sixth Sense, The Six Ghosts of Fear, Think and Grow Rich, Creating Magic, Bible, success and personal achievement

Buy or Don’t Buy?
With your knowledge, do these 3 things, and make money, every time.

I received this from a friend of mine and I would feel guilty not
sharing it with you 🙂
This is the book that changed many lives forever. I want to give you
this book because I believe education, training and getting in the
right mindset is crucially important when starting your own
business.More than likely, you’ve heard of this book and you may have even
read it.

It is responsible for creating hundreds of multi-millionaires and
literally has the potential to teach you the secret to success
if you allow it. “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

– Napoleon HillI am in no way affiliated with this, and there’s nothing for sale
here. I just hope you read it and one day give me a call to let me
know that because of this e-mail you made your first million.

I hope to hear from you soon 🙂

Click Here to Download:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Don’t forget the action plan too!
FREE – Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich Action Guide (39 pages):
See You At The Top,
Alecia Stringer

Work with Alecia Stringer
Online Lead Generation Expert
Click this link here to get started.

P.S. Free Video! “Reveals How I Found A ‘Secret Weapon’ Mack Used (With me in the pic) To Make Over 100 Sales in Only 3 Days! Click Here to watch now.

My profiles: Facebook LinkedIn  Twitter YouTube  Google Plus Page pinterest
Contact me: Skype alecia.stringer

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