Get inside Alecia’s 15K Formula Team by clicking HERE.
People who have reached $15,000 a month know the difference between success and failure. Breakthrough the barriers. They are meant to be broken through. They are there to stop the uncommitted. The committed can break through the barriers.
The magic of the outcome is action on outcome before they know how to do it.
No. 1. Set an outcome and goal. Write down on paper:
What is your income goal for the next 90 days? (It has to be at least $15,000 a month) Hence the product name… Mine is set at $30,000.
Define the proper outcome. Why do you want that? I want to pay what is expected, like bills, debt, owe people.
2. What evidence is there going to be that you are accomplishing your goal? Look at your bank account, how will you feel?
3. What reward are you going to create for yourself. For me, I may just get us new furniture, like a new bed, or take a trip would be nice!
4. What is the environment like? How will you feel? For me, my husband may just stop nagging me anymore about money… We’ll see 😉
You must make a clear intention in the present tense. First person!
I, Alecia Stringer, am logging into my Empower Network back office Friday February 1st. I’m waking up to see several new sales come in during the previous evening. I chuckle to myself as I realize that this is a daily event…seeing email notifications of the Empower sales drifting effortlessly into my bank account. It was just 90 days earlier when I made the decision to set clear expectations of earning $30,000 for the month of January.
I look out the big window of my home office and see the sun shining and the slight breeze push the leave less branches around while the birds are singing on the window seal. I ponder for a moment about the new team mates I’ll be able to engage with and guide toward their financial dreams. Before I make calls and check Facebook I get up out of my chair and strut over to my husband. I kiss him and tell him I just exceeded last month’s goal and we should look for new furniture and book the Disney hotel for the week during spring break so we can take the family to Disney world. After all this is a family effort.
I go back to my computer and chuckle again as the thought of what David Wood said 90 days ago. The simple plan of two a day will get you 30K a month in about 90 days. Easy to do…easy not to do. He was right on the money. Now I’m setting my next 90 day goal of 100K a month. Dave said this next step will be even easier than getting 30K a month.
Focus on what you are doing only. The team copies the action because you lead by example.
What to do?
No. #1: Blog everyday. Yes, of course, and when inspired I do a few extra with the videos I’ve made. This is the most powerful single strategy that has not changed in the past 20 years. Just do it and don’t worry about the results you get from it for at least 90 days.
What blogging does for you is that you start acting like and expert. You don’t have to be an expert, to act like an expert.
You start to become an excellent communicator.
There are so many more golden nuggets that is in this new training of the $15K formula, that I will be listening to this again to capture more. Take what you learn and apply it to your business.
I will be starting a Live Broadcast/Hangout every Monday evening after the Empower Hour Call to help guide my team to the goals and success dreams. Be sure to subscribe to my list in order to get the live link when it becomes available!
Subscribe to the hangout list here:
As I was listening to this training, many of the same methods was shared in the book I’m reading this week: The Secret Code of Success by Noah St. John.
Be sure to pick that up too HERE and follow along a new journey of your success dreams.
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