Be The Authority As An Online Business Entrepreneur




“Follow an expert.” – Virgil

How do you know or recognize an online business entrepreneur that has authority or leadership skills that you can trust?

When most authority that is followed with obedience is mostly rewarding, it’s easy to allow ourselves the convenience of automatic obedience. We don’t have to think ourselves, just react. For example, our health is pretty important to most of us. When we are sick, we go to a Doctor or physician. They have the authority to prescribe a solution. We use the tradition of automatic obedience to follow their orders. Look for the 3 types of symbols of authority:

1. Title – easiest to recognize, yet take years to achieve.

In network marketing, most titles are created by the level or status they have achieved in their company. You can easily see the status of these top leaders in most success stories. These will lead most of the regional and national meetings. They have an authority to lead a large group of people. This is where you will see many influential leaders show how they can be duplicated. Here is where you have to learn how to copycat. If you can not copy, you may not achieve the same results. There are many leaders in each network marketing company that you can learn from. You will see many leaders come from a training system that shows you how to get their exact results. See the leaders in MLSP, MyLeadSystemPro, and learn several strategies they use that has allowed them to create the title that they have as a leader.

2. Clothes – Can be easily faked – 2 types influential – guard uniform and business suit

Eyes can be deceiving. You look more professional when you are covered. So there are different types of people you attract with what you wear. Know what type of people you want to attract and look how you want to attract people into the action you want them to take.

3. Trappings – Such as jewelry and cars – The status symbol

Each of these with the proper authority status may account for much of its success. You don’t have to fake it in this industry to be successful. Just be you, be professional. People have confidence in those that show leadership skills in just being themselves. It not only works for the online business entrepreneur, but powerfully also.

Learn how to apply these simple techniques instantly with a training system that you can start today.  Learn how to show the authority by teaching others and you will instantly be an expert.  Take your business to the next level going toward your success dream as an online business entrepreneur.

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4 responses to “Be The Authority As An Online Business Entrepreneur”
  1. Amy Jo Neal Avatar
    Amy Jo Neal

    It’s all about leadership Alecia. You can spot that on someone no matter what they wear or what they drive. It comes out of their energy! …Even on the internet.

  2. Monica McCullough Avatar
    Monica McCullough

    Leader – it is what we are want to have and aspire to become. You are turning into a great one Alecia – keep up the great work!

  3. smartbraintech Avatar

    Very good stuff – I see that you understand the game and that you know what it takes to win.

    1. 2asuccess Avatar

      Wow, thanks Marc. That's a lot coming from you.