Attitude is everything in your Online Business




Small wisdom from a coach a lot of people know, Jim Rohn.

Attitude determines how much of the future we’re allowed to see in your online business.  See your attitude in 4 steps:

1.  How you feel about the past.

2. How you feel about the future, fire the fuel of your imagination, and how we accomplish them.

3. How you feel about everybody, you can’t succeed by yourself.  It really takes everybody for one person to be successful.

4. How you feel about yourself.  Nothing is more powerful than high self-esteem.  Build self-confidence, which builds success.

Remember it’s more inspiring to say, “Let’s go do it” than to accomplish tough skills and challenges by yourself.

By becoming an attractive person, “Success is not something you pursue, success is something you attract.”

Think about these powerful messages and respond in your comments on how you are applying it to your life and online business.

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12 responses to “Attitude is everything in your Online Business”
  1. Brian Del Gaudio Avatar
    Brian Del Gaudio

    I love it! i could not agree with you more on this. Attitude is so important for everyone. Having a positive attitude will help you reach your goals and your dreams. I definitely agree that attitude helps you be an attractive person. People want to be around positive and energetic people. Attitude is key to success in life, not just in business.

  2. Deanna Grayly Avatar
    Deanna Grayly

    Love the quote in your post: “Success is not something you pursue, success is something you attract.”

  3. Garry Mclachlan Avatar
    Garry Mclachlan

    Your atttitude determines your altitude

  4. Denise Thiefault Cully Avatar
    Denise Thiefault Cully

    Yes, yes and YES!

  5. Kat Zapanta Avatar
    Kat Zapanta

    Yes, attitude is so crucial in gaining success in business!

  6. Tara Woodruff Avatar
    Tara Woodruff

    So true Alecia!!

  7. Traci Adams Avatar
    Traci Adams

    Great blog, Alecia! Love Jim Rohn!

  8. DrLisaThompson Avatar

    Great post!  Love Jim Rohn!

  9. Lisa Thompson Avatar
    Lisa Thompson

    Love me some Jim Rohn!

  10. Brandon Mouton Avatar
    Brandon Mouton

    Attitude is the one thing that you can always control, and that’s a good thing because the right attitude is important.

  11. Kesha S Parker Avatar
    Kesha S Parker

    So important predicts your altitude!!!

  12. Charlene Quashie Avatar
    Charlene Quashie

    This is so true!!