Neither? Well, in creating massive traffic, as an internet business owner, you need to look at what’s important.
What is important is always on the inside. Just like back in Solomon’s days, they built a massive structure that needed a special place inside – the mighty Spirit of God. Did it matter what it looked like on the outside? Only to us, only to know to others that it is a special place. Take this same concept to yourself. If you truly focus on how special the inside is… your business… your self… then the outside will show that it is taken care of and will be attractive.
A quote from John 6:63: It is the Spirit that gives life. The flesh doesn’t give life. The words I told you are spirit, and they give life.
The inner man is most important, and you don’t even have to be that smart to know this. Every body is the same, but no two people are alike. So how do you want to show your inner self to others? As a monster or a rock star? They can both mean the same or totally different view points…
They key is finding out what gets others excited… Always make other people excited and feel important. This will help you learn your inner self and get yourself excited as well.
I like William Winter’s remark, “Self-expression is the dominant necessity of human nature.” We need to adapt this same psychology to our business dealings today. Who can arouse others eagerly has the whole world with him. Those who can not walk a lonely road..
Don’t walk that lonely road and see how you can take your internet business to the next level today. Enter your name and email on this internet business owner site and see the steps of how you can take your business to levels you desire.
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