When trying to answer this question of what drives a women to reach their goals… and why is it so different from men… we want to take a look at the main reasons of what do women value compared to men.
91% of women actually say that advertisers do not understand them… Why do they say that?
4 of the main reasons of goals for women are:
1. Aspiration – Leave world in a better place
2. Be successful
3. More Time
4. Travel More
Most women today do not want to be famous… yet one of the hit songs to day is “I wanna be a Rock Star…” Is that a man’s aspirations?
Women aspire and long for the memories and experiences… why it’s so important to be involved in relationships…
Just take a look and see how important the social media is today… we buy into relationships.
When you watch the commercials, like Mercedes. Most have children involved. This is thinking into a new relationship with your product. Finding a new value when looking at the relationship with the new product or service available. So what do women represent? It comes naturally for women to build relationships, build trust, give reason to choose you over another.
Think about the buying cycle of a women. Women usually ask first… Who do they ask? People, more specifically… their girlfriends! Girlfriend power. This is where most women get their information before they even purchase. Men use a different source of energy in their buying cycle. They find what they need, get it and get it done. What’s meaningful about that? Do they need a relationship with their product or service the same way a women looks to purchase?
Think about this influence as you build your business and brand using social media especially.
Merchants can make attractive displays, use music to lull you in with no windows for endless time… But what does it mean to you? What kind of relationship are you looking for?
Women tend to look for one that they can treasure… I like to use the analogy of a mirror in the New Testament time… They did not appear as clean as they are today, but they sure did prize them and make them elaborate looking as well. They treasured their mirrors like gifts. Do we treasure our mirrors like they did? What part do you look at? The inside of the mirror… or the ornate outside?
Remember the relationship goal with each part and you’ll find what you are looking for. Focus on a true relationship that will grow, and not just be attractive on the outside… Dreams are dreams, but can become more endless with the relationship you build with your dream. Learn how you can instantly Brand Yourself as a women entrepreneur or man entrepreneur, and get people to chase you to join your business building your dream.
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