Be a part of the top lead generation system, attraction marketing and network marketing system. We are running a contest from 15th September to 15th December, where the affiliate who signed up the most number of users will win the big prize! Details of other prizes to be announced.
To participate:
1. Sign up as a member ($1 for two weeks and then $47 per month)
2. Market the attraction marketing system with Full network marketing training available with Skype Support, and personal support
*Apart from the residual income opportunity to participate in the contest, you will also earn 30% commission from your members
*You will be provided with targeted lead generation marketing tools like banners, lead capture pages and network marketing training.
If you’ve tried to sit down and convince someone about network marketing who is not open to the idea nor has any desire to own their own business, then you know how counter-productive and draining this conversation can be…so stop having it!
Sponsoring people becomes a daily habit when you start focusing your energy on your BEST prospects, which are NOT looking for another network marketing online business opportunity… heck, there’s a 95% chance they’re struggling with theirs!
A system like this has NEVER been created before and it couldn’t have come at a more critical time in history! With the economy plummeting and the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of jobs being lost every month combined with the MILLIONS of network marketers struggling globally (AGAIN, 95% OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS INDUSTRY MAKE LESS THAN $10.00 PER WEEK) the time has come…
You will be able to offer your prospects, your contacts and your existing team a fully functioning Marketing Training Center, complete with training modules and video tutorials on some of the most popular and effective online business systems.
Click the bimmer below to get started with your attraction marketing system.
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