Advocare is a nutritional multi-level marketing company that was founded in 1993 by Charles E. Ragus using the claim, ‘changing people’s lives.’ This is usually the spark to every network marketing company. Take a moment to see the important key factors on choosing Advocare to become a successful home based entrepreneur.
Advocare has about 70 different products that help weight loss, body mass, and overall health. There are 5 main product lines: Trim, Active, Well, Performance Elite and Definite Difference. The products help you overall feel better as they do have a whole cleansing system. When you consider building a network marketing business, most love the product before even considering becoming an Advocare Distributor.
The Advocare compensation plan is a stair-step breakaway pay plan. As you start to grow your team, you start having team members get a certain rank, they “break away.” When this happens, you earn a smaller amount of bonus on their entire team. Some can have success with this type of plan, however some find it hard to understand and hard to keep a strong residual income because of the confusing qualifications.
Watch this interview I did with my friend Roy, and he will help you focus on your health goals and business goals as well.
See Roy Campbell’s website HERE.
Connect with him on Facebook HERE.
With any mlm company, you need to have simple and easy strategies that teach you how to brand YOURSELF, not the company. With this approach, you will learn to build a real business, centered around you and your brand. Not around the company. Sure, if you love the products, you are going to tell people. Distributors must learn how to market their own business, not only online, but offline as well.
If you want to really learn how to profit becoming an Advocare Distributor by branding your name and generating leads daily, then see how the top distributors are using this lead generation system.
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