Creating Magic Virally Part 10
Wow this is a powerful 2 minute story
from my business partner Adam I just
had to share with you today!
Alecia Stringer
It’s crazy how when you look back
on your life, their are moments that
literally change EVERYTHING…
It could be good or bad…
…and that usually depends on YOU!
Just last night…
I had one of those moments…
I was just cruisin’ down the road, on my
way to gymnastics class with Maddie…
…and BAMM!
The car in front of us slammed on their
brakes and we crashed into them before
I even realized what was happening…
Don’t worry, everyone was alright…
…but my car was completely destroyed!
Most people would go into a panic…
But I just laughed…
Because I think differently…
I don’t believe things happen to me…
I believe they happen FOR ME…
Life was sending me a message…
It’s time for an UPGRADE!
…and no, I’m not just talking about the
car, even though I can’t wait to go pick
out a new one!
Every single time I’ve made a huge
breakthrough in my life or business,
it has come from a moment like that
where the universe punched me in
the face and said…
It’s time for an UPGRADE!
When you realize that YOU literally
have the power to control your mind
and how you perceive life events…
Like going through a breakup…
Crashing your new car…
Or losing your job…
You can instantly turn a negative event
into a unstoppable force for change!
You can instantly upgrade your mind…
…and start getting bigger results, virally!
It’s creating a magical thing, really…
And the best part is…
You don’t need to wait for something
traumatic to happen in your life before
you can make an upgrade…
You can do it RIGHT NOW…
This email can be the punch in the
face you NEED to make a change…
…and here’s HOW you can do it!
I’m putting together a mastermind
called “A December To Remember”.
It’s all about how to create
$2,000 of income in the next 30 days so that you can sail into the new year like a CHAMP!
Would an extra 2,000 in December make things a little easier?
Well, here’s what to do RIGHT NOW:
1. Join right now for 25. (
2. Send a blank email at
3. When I email you back, Reply with the Subject:”December To Remember” a
and just write two words in the email: “I’m IN”.
4. I’ll will give you a call and give you all the resources you need to earn 2k this month…
…and UPGRADE YOUR LIFE going into 2013!
You deserve it…
Your family deserves it…
…and only YOU can make it happen!
Tags: Creating Magic Virally Part 10, viral traffic, viral syndication, how to do online marketing, how to share your content on the internet, 15k Formula, Empower Network 15k Formula, creating magic, virally,
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